domenica 21 giugno 2009

All'anno prossimo

Trentacinque bloggers di tutta Italia hanno goduto, per tre giorni, delle bellezze di questi luoghi.
L'appuntamento è per l'anno prossimo a Sant'Agata e per questo ottobre a Budapest.

Per problemi al computer non sono in grado di far passare i vostri post da un paio di giorni. Metteremo tutto a posto domani.

Un caro saluto a Tutti.
Ciro Discepolo

1 commento:

  1. Respected Ciro,
    Thank you for looking into the solar return chart for the child born on 16th April ,2005 at 12:27 in Omaha Nebraska. Please help me clarify some doubts regarding this return.
    In Denver, Colorado for April 16th 2010 the child has Saturn over 10 degrees in the ascendant. Jupiter is in the 7th conjunct descendant. Mercury conjunct 9th house cusp and is in 8th house along with Sun.
    In Sarben, Nebraska, the Saturn is within 10 degrees. Jupiter is in the 6th conjunct the descendant. Mercury in 8th along with Sun.
    If Jupiter is in 7th conjunct descendant within the 2.30 deg, then it should still protect the 6th house. Right?
    You have said in one of your blogs, that we must try to keep Saturn away from ascendant by at least 12 degrees. So, Denver, Colorado will be close to meeting this requirement. In Santé Fe, New Mexico, Saturn will be at over 12 degrees but the benefit of Jupiter will be lost to the 6th house.

    Is the Sun, Mercury in 8th and Pluto in 4th and Uranus in 7th bad for the parents or the child. Isn’t Pluto in 4th indicative of problems at home or illness of parents? What about Uranus in 7th, can it cause disruptions? Kindly advise.

    Is there a better return for this child than what we have discussed for next year (2010)?
    You guidance is much appreciated.
