giovedì 5 agosto 2010

New Nine English "Pills" of Astrology

Here you can see other nine English “Pills of Astrology” about, over all, the Aimed Lunar Returns and the Aimed Solar Returns. At this address:

Enjoy them!

Ciro Discepolo: Karma and the Aimed Solar Returns.

How can be that one day standing in a place can change the destiny of an entire year?

How you developed your 30 Rules for Aimed Solar Returns and Aimed Lunar Returns?

Why the eleventh House is much more in relation with death than the eighth House?

Why to prefer Venus instead of Jupiter in second and eighth House of Solar Return?

Why Mars is so bad in the first, sixth and twelfth House of Solar Return?

How to improve someone's finances with the Aimed Solar Returns?

How to improve your love relationship with the Aimed Solar Returns?

How to succeed in selling a property with the Aimed Solar Returns?

We receive, and gladly publish:

Saptarishis Astrology Magazine
Proudly Presents
a special issue:

An elegant mix of East & West: Diana K. Rosenberg interview & dialogue with Edith Hathaway. (60 pp)  This is an interview not to be missed, and a lively, knowledgeable, and civilized conversation. Diana answers many questions on the Fixed Stars and on her upcoming book on Fixed Stars. The two astrologers discuss and debate how to use Fixed Stars, Mundane astrology, Vedic nakshatras (Lunar mansions) and the two zodiacs. They discuss specifics of charts and planetary combinations, lifting all of this out of the realm of pure theory.  Edith comments on Diana’s Vedic birth chart, interspersed with many autobiographical details from Diana.

The astrological community will treasure this last public conversation with the ailing Diana Rosenberg.  And all will welcome this compelling discussion, revealing how astrologers think, work, reason and talk with each other about people, nations and issues important to everyone.  The article contains Diana’s original illustrations of Fixed Stars, and as always,Saptarishis Astrology provides charts in three formats: Western (tropical), and North and South Indian (Lahiri sidereal).

Originally commissioned by Saptarishis magazine in Jan. 2010, this interview/ article has another 16 pp. we share with ISAR Journal (Journal of the International Society for Astrological Research), both print and On-line versions. See , who are publishing simultaneously. Except for a few pages, that article contains all new material from Diana & Edith.  

Saptarishis Astrology would also like to announce that it is presenting Diana K. Rosenberg with a Life Time Achievement Award for her outstanding work in Fixed Stars Astrology. She will receive the award in New York City July 25, 2010.

You can download the article from

Saptarishis Astrology
The Free Digital Global Astro Magazine
As Read In 104 Countries

Per Anonimo Anonimo dalla Svizzera. Perché ti sorprendi? Qualcuno ti aveva suggerito che con gli attuali transiti e mettendo Marte in quinta avresti avuto il migliore anno della tua vita per l’Amore? Confermo che dato il cielo del tuo compleanno non si poteva fare meglio. Non vedo che altro ci sia da capire.
Poi chiedi: “Sarà un’altra storiellina passeggera spacca cuore?”. E come faccio a saperlo? Qui non facciamo le carte.

Per Antonella da CT. Direi che la soluzione Maldive per Giuseppe è davvero cattiva rispetto a quelle che ti ho proposto. In gamba per tuo marito!

For Neena.
You ask:

1.) If father and son do not get along due to natal chart planet placements, would putting a Jupiter in the 4th of the child, improve conditions at home? However this year, Jupiter is conjunct to Uranus, which would put both in the 4th house. Would uranus create a problem? 

May be, if you not go over the 30 rules.

2.) If Venus is conjunct the cusp of 12th, can it give benefits to both 11th and 12th? Is Venus losing its beneficial qualities by being conjunct to 12th house cusp? 3.) Is it safe to put planets conjunct to 12th house cusp? 

Yes Venus helps 11^ and 12^ Houses, but means, even, troubles from a female figure of his family.

4 If Saturn is in the 6th and Jupiter-Uranus in the 12th. Would keeping Venus conjunct the Descendant from 6th, protect the person from the negative effects of Saturn in 6th house? 

No, Saturn and Uranus in dangerous Houses are more “bad” then Venus. The protection is small.

Cara Danila, non puoi farti operare di calcoli alla cistifellea per non applicare un cerotto a un dito… In quarant’anni mi sono piazzato i peggiori astri in nona Casa e in terza Casa e sono sempre partito. Le due RLM che proponevi erano davvero da brivido…

Buona giornata a Tutti.
Ciro Discepolo

7 commenti:

  1. Buon giorno,
    no non mi sorprendo, la mia rivoluzione è stata pensata perchè da quanto ne era merso, stando a PN avrei avuto un anno pessimo, abbiamo cercato il meno peggio per il lavoro e la salute, l'amore è la conseguenza. Ho preferito "ottimizzare" le cose materiali e la salute per poi avere la carica per le cose "spirituali". Simpatica la battuta sulle carte :-). Grazie ancora.

  2. Sono appena tornata da Moussel,che bello,viaggio splendido,incontro con persone simpaticissime mi sento molto serena,sicura di avere giove in pieno medio cielo,grazie di tutto.

  3. Errata corrige: maestro lei mi stò simpatico e la battuta sulle carte mi ha fatto sorridere, ma la domanda era nata da una sua affermazione:
    .....cerchi disperatamente l’amore, la scelta di Marte e Venere in quinta è legittima perché ti potrebbe portare alla rottura con l’attuale fidanzata e poi, con Venere in quinta e con lo stellium in decima, potresti riuscire a trovare una donna giusta per te.

    --> Ma forse non è ancora l’anno adatto.

    Per cosa non è l'anno adatto. Grazie.

  4. Caro Discepolo, questo potrebbe diventare un caso di scuola per l'AA. Sono del '70, ho il Sole a 10°46'59'' Aquario, sono nato e abito a Milano. Nel 2011, AS di RS in XII combinato a un transito di Urano su Marte. RSM impraticabile. Situazione personale: ottima salute, single, al presente nessun guaio. Vivo con mio padre (15 giugno 1926, ignoro l'ora, condizioni fisiche buone ma congiunzione Marte-Urano a 1° Ariete!) Temo anche per lui. Come esorcizzare delle combinazioni così terribili? Sarebbe un gran trionfo per l'AA come dottrina, se la cosa riuscisse. Cordialmente, Lorenzo.

  5. Vorrei pubblicare una foto di una mia passata RS. Come procedo?

  6. Dear Ciro Discepolo (and Team),

    first of all:
    Many many happy solar returns for the just married couple!

    And thank you very much for the videos in english! I find as well a very useful idea to write on
    the blog the questions and answers, too, in order to see it and learn and not to ask the same
    questions again and again.

    And I would like to share my experience with Christina about Jupiter in 2th house and Saturn in
    the house: In my last solar return, 2009, in Mittersill, Austria ( ascendant in the 5th
    natal house,solar Pluto on it, Mars in the 6th) I had Jupiter in the 2th house (with Neptun in
    conjunction) ( Ok., without Uranus, Uranus was in the 3th) and Saturn in the 8th house ( with
    Mercury) and for the first time in my life I had earned a relatively lot of money in a relative
    short time,( even more than I could expected) but after I had to spent it all for my family, house
    renovation,but only useful and needed things, moreover I could lend some money to my friend etc.
    But for example to make a trip to Sri Lanka for a good solar return 2010 was no more possible.
    ( natal Saturn in Virgo, very close conjunction with Mercury in the first house,and Jupiter in the
    very end of the 11th house in Cancer, Pluto in the 3th in Libra,Neptun in the end of the 4th in Sagittarius, if these could be interesting..)So, for me it was: money comes, money goes...

    PS: I think I've maybe found a not bad solar return place for me for 2011.(Denpasar,Bali. But I
    must of course see what this year gives...)
    And may I have 3 questions?
    -the "Risk of the year" calculator takes as well in account the Saturn-Mars conjunctions? And all the transits?
    -this kind of conjunction in a solar return is 2 times a bad Mars, or how shall I imagine?
    -Can we put the Sun in the 10th house in case of bad transits, or Sun can be here maybe dangerous, almost like a solar ascendant in the natal 10th house? Or: what can mean a Sun in the 10th house in a very bad solar return?

    Thank you very much and
    all the best,


  7. Reka,

    thank you for sharing your experience for saturn in SR eight house and Jupiter in second SR, But Ciro believes that it is too bad for money matters.

