mercoledì 25 maggio 2011

Available In English The New Guide To Astrology!

Initial Distich:

For several years now I have been trusting stars more than people

Ciro Discepolo


This book is a bestseller in Italy, having sold over 50,000 copies from 1979 to the present.
What is the secret of such a success? And, first of all, is it a success? I think it is. The secret, if there is one, is probably my lucky disposition, among my few qualities, to share my knowledge in Astrology in a very clear way.
I think that this almost complete manual has gained the appreciation of my readers, perhaps because  through a simple, elementary, and clear language, I have tried to lead many neophytes from absolute ignorance of the subject to a good average level of knowledge. 
While I was working on this book there was always a strong will to explain the many chapters of this manual as if I was addressing school children.
In the thirty-two years of its life, this book has shaped many generations of astrologers, and a lot of people have continuously gratified me for this work, insisting on what has been considered by almost everyone to be the greatest quality of this book: its accessibility. 
Why do I wish to present this volume to my international readers and, in particular, to my American readers after thirty-two years?
If you allow me, I’d like to conduct a little test on you.
I’d like to ask you a few things.
- Do you know that your astrological sign can be your Solar sign or your “compensated”  Solar sign (since many people act like those who have opposite characteristics to their Solar sign)?
- Do you know that a high percentage of Aquarians becomes deaf or almost deaf in old age?
- Do you know that the 11th House is more mournful than the 8th House?
- Do you know that the 11th House is like the 7th House but a level weaker?
- Do you know that the hard-disks of computers can be correlated to the 4th House?
- Do you know that blindness or serious eye problems are attributable to the 6th and the 12th  Houses? 
- Do you know that the second part of life is linked to the 4th House?
- Do you know that a Celestial works contemporarily in two Houses when it is within 2,5 degrees from the cusp of a House?
- Do you know…
- Do you know…
- Do you know…
Actually, these, and many other truths that I discovered studying the subject for over forty years, examining the Natal Chart of tens of thousand people, are explained in this book and I would like to share them with you.
I don’t ask you, dear Reader, to believe in these sentences based on faith alone: I ask you to check every astrological law contained in the pages of this volume and if you find Truth, fine, otherwise I advise you to throw away my New Guide To Astrology.
Many parts of the book differ from the Italian edition. Moreover I have added some tables and, in particular, complete Tables of Houses from 0 to 65° North Latitude, every 15 minutes of Sideral Time. The chapters of the Italian edition that were written to calculate Italian Natal Charts, have been here re-focused to particularly calculate the Natal Charts of people who were born in the USA.  
In my opinion this book will be of interest to international students because I have added one hundred example Natal Charts of famous or not-so-famous people which will demonstrate the reliability of the many rules described in these pages.
The volume comprises many other chapters such as The Dispositors, The Dominant, A Short Chapter on Astronomy, A Short Chapter on the History of Astrology, The Interpretation of the Natal Chart, A Short Chapter on Synastry,  A Short Chapter on the Analysis of Events, Colours, Metals, Plants and Stones, A Short Dictionary of Astrological Terms, etc.

Ciro Discepolo
Naples, April 8th 2011

Preface To The Italian Edition

In the first edition of this text (1979) I wrote that not all of its content is my own work. What I meant is that this book reflects knowledge accumulated over thousands of years, belonging to a discipline that is perhaps the oldest in the world. However, this volume is now published in its fourth edition, and it has been reprinted possibly fifteen times or so. 
Therefore, today I feel that I might dare being a little less modest in this regard. I must admit that this book also contains bits of information coming out from my own experience in the field: they are some – not very big, but shining – pearls that I have been gathering on the street, along a path made of almost thirty years of hard work, but with also many moments of joy. My first and constant reference has been the Tradition, from which I have drawn with devotion, especially through the works of my very first teacher, André Barbault. But then, gradually, I have been amalgamating this historic and secular knowledge with a portion of my own experience, developed over dozens of thousands of practical cases that I have been examining. 
I do not really mean to emphasize my work and over-esteem my supposed qualities. On the other hand, I must admit – mainly to myself – that several years of passionate study and many sleepless nights must have led to some result: it would be silly not to recognize it. I have always been passionate about the notion of libido, i.e. the fundamental energy that drives every human being. In my opinion, this term should not be limited to the meaning given to it by the Freudian logic of an energy of an exclusively psychosexual kind. When I say libido, I mean another sort of energy: a non-specific, mental, undifferentiated energy of a Jungian kind. 
For example, the libido of certain individuals may lead them to collect stamps; while the libido of other individuals may spur them to drive cars or to sail the sea. This sort of libido will be described in details in the sections about the position of the Sun in the twelve Houses. You will also find some key issues that – so it seems to me – Tradition has incredibly ignored, or failed to detect: such as the connection between the Eleventh House and death; the connection between the eyes and their problems, and the axis Twelfth/Sixth House; or the importance of considering the compensated signs as well as the intercepted signs (this will be elaborated in the section about the interpretation of a natal chart). 
These are only few examples. You will find many other information that, as I said earlier, are the result of my own research in the field, rather than the due – yet not blind – deference that we owe to our past masters. Despite being an ancient discipline, in some respects Astrology is also very young. It still unfolds endless possibilities of exploration, vast areas of research in all fields: through the lens of the stars, these new paths open in front of you. And it is you, beginners or students of higher courses, who should pick up this baton and continue the race towards Knowledge. The hyper-positivist detractors of the Art of Urania believe that they can get rid of the most ancient art–science of the world with just a mocking smile. Take little care, or better said: do not care at all for them. 
They fight in a war that they have always been losing: in fact, only the blind, or those who are in bad faith – like them – may think that astrology is a big global scam, even worse: the biggest collective scam ever put up by the human race. Remember that Astrology is the ‘religion’ that counts on the highest number of followers in the world: more than Catholicism, Buddhism, Communism... By reading or studying this book you will realize that you are faced with gigantic pieces of truth. This should not raise your conceit though. On the contrary, it should stimulate the spirit of research that lies in every human being worthy of the name. 
So, this guide shall be your first step towards Knowledge: a long climb that never ends and yet, eventually opens the door to a vast world of Truth.

Naples, Italy, the 14th of July 1997, at 8:50 am.

Tables Of Contents Volume 1

Tables Of Contents Volume 2

- 928 Pages in the large 6.14" X  9.21" format!
- Geocentrical Ephemerides 1921 - 2020, every 5 days!
- Placidus Tables of Houses between 0° and 65° North Latitudes, step 1°, every 15' of Sideral Time!
- 100 Example Natal Charts of famous and non famous people to explain, case by case, and reading all the short biographies of the non famous people, all the interpretations included in the book (The Planets in the Houses, The Planet in the Signs, The Aspects among the Planets, etc.)!
- A bestseller in Italy (over 50.000 copies sold since 1979), today thoroughly revised and enriched in every page to lead the neophyte as well as the more experienced astrologers from the ABC of Astrology (starting from the history of the matter) to its most complex notions. 
- A must have book in your library if you consider me one of your most important authors.  

Enjoy them!

Buona Giornata a Tutti.

Ciro Discepolo

10 commenti:


  2. tantissimi auguri al migliore astrologo al mondo! Grazie alla tua luna in sagittario e in 5^ casa ci lasci degli insegnamenti preziosi e solo uno stolto non saprebbe approfittarne... doctrinae cultis, nemo spernit nisi stultis!!

  3. Su richiesta:

    Buongiorno Sig. Discepolo,
    le scrivo, per chiedere un chiarimento a proposito della distribuzione di Marte, come da figura 2, dall'articolo citato in oggetto.
    In particolare, mi sorprende la distribuzione con i picchi di massima in casa 12 anzichè 1 e casa 9 anzichè 10.
    La domanda è: come si può interpretare questo sfasamento,cioè i picchi in case mutevoli e non come ci si dovrebbe aspettare in case cardinali?
    La ringrazio per la risposta.
    Cordiali saluti. Valerio Biancardi.

  4. Dear Teacher,
    many wishes for your new publications abroad.
    Here from Italy, you know, we support you all.
    Keep it up!

  5. Innanzi tutto i complimenti a Ciro che i miei cugini Canadesi dicono essere un nome ben noto anche in Canada!

    Vorrei riprendere a studiare con un corso post laurea, uno di quelli enormemente impegnativi sia per impegno sia per sforzo economico e che avevo rimandato molti anni fa.
    Ora, con una RS (di "decima") in corso comunque favorevole, vorrei trovare il momento elettivo migliore per iniziare. Premetto che di astrologia elettiva ho letto ben poche cose, erigendo il tema per il 25 agosto a.c., ore 13.10 circa avrei una congiunzione Sole Venere al MC, potrebbe andare bene ?

    Inoltre l'atto iniziale quale dovrebbe essere ?
    - il momento di pagamento delle tasse di iscrizione ?
    - l'inizio dello studio del primo capitolo del primo libro ?


    Alessandro F.

  6. A volte il blog s'inceppa...:

    Per Denise

    Da studente e come "esercizio" provo a darti una prima risposta. Ti sconsiglierei di restare a Catania per il prossimo compleanno visto che ti si presenterebbe ad esempio uno stellium in prima casa.

    La vicinanza di Sole e Saturno limitano un po' la scelta per una RSM di "decima".
    Forse Kamigoto, Giappone con Venere al MC però avresti Marte e ascendente in settima. Si potrebbe ripiegare su alcune città dell'India con Giove in cuspide 5/6 ma a questo punto la soluzione richiede delle esperienze maggiori alle mie

    Alessandro F.

  7. Dear english speaking readers , this book is an absolute MUST for everyone who like to learn the techniques of REAL and CONCRETE birth chart interpretation in modern judiciary astrology . Believe me , there is no space for new age interpretations full of nothing and empty words , as most part of modern astrology today like to teach . I'm not against spiritual or symbolic astrology ,not at all , it is for sure a real path to wisdom and light . But this is the case only if seriously taken , on a traditional and hermetic level , with full knowledge of this kind of metaphysical stuff , and not with easy and modern cheap pseudospirituality babbling , used almostly always as a way of escapism , to avoid real astrological work and mastery . But if you must answer concrete questions to real clients , than maybe they have some more pragmatic needs , and the astrologer MUST be able to give clear and truthfull material information about their iusses . Ciro Discepolo is using the right words in the right place , even when sometimes , as always in astrology , a symbol can mean many different things . But this is not the guilt of "uncle" Ciro , it is the essential weakness of astrology as discipline. Personally i made my first birth chart interpretation in the 1987 , when i was lesser than 15 years old , using the first italian edition of "uncle" Ciro's work " Guida all'Astrologia" ( Guide to Astrology ) . It was a full divinatory success , a new married couple whas informed by me that their marriage will not work at all ( yes , it was uranus in the seventh house in both spouses horoscopes...yes , even if i'm traditionally oriented , modern planets work very well in astrological interpretation... ) , nobody believe me at that moment ( "the boy is comic" ) , but five years later the couple take the divorce application before the judge...If you study carefully this magnus work of Ciro Disceplo , you will learn a sure methodology for general character and destiny readings . Greetings to all astrology friends from Roberto Minichini

  8. Complimenti Ciro per questo ottimo lavoro.
    Da un Po che non scrivo qui sul blog perché sono un Po sfasato,a che ero dimenticato da tutti adesso tutti mi cercano e mi coccolano...
    Io stesso mi guardo allo specchio e non mi riconosco piu'.
    Poi ti dirò di piu'.sono diventato piu' bello-lo sono sempre stato forse-e sto avendo fiducia negli altri,speriamo di non dovermene pentire...


    Purtroppo la disposizione in cielo dei pianeti il giorno del tuo compleanno non consente soluzioni positive prive di rischi, perchè i margini sono molto stretti, anche in considerazione che l'orario di nascita potrebbe non essere esattissimo.

    Una di queste potrebbe essere Novokuznetsk, in Russia, dove l'asc. di RS cade nella quinta natale,il Sole si trova alla fine della decima, mentre Mercurio, Venere e Saturno sono in undicesima.
    Inoltre Giove risulta congiunto alla cuspide della sesta casa e i suoi benefici effetti agiscono anche sulla quinta.
    Se l'ora di nascita è giusta il Sole agirebbe, però, anche sulla undicesima e lo stellium, in questa casa, potrebbe diventare "pesante", mentre se tu fossi nata pochi minuti dopo, Saturno influenzerebbe anche la decima e sarebbe ancora peggio.

    Se la proposta giapponese di Alessandro non ti aggradasse per i conflitti che annuncia durante l'anno, potresti optare per Ayers Rock, in Australia, in cui l'asc. scivola in ottava, alleggerendo quel settore.

    Infine, per eliminare le grosse negatività della RS di Catania sulla tua persona, potresti ripiegare su Galway, in Irlanda, in cui lo stellium si scarica nella seconda e l'asc. cade in terza. Giove è congiunto alla cuspide della nona.
    Qui, a differenza della Russia, i margini orari sono ampi se tu fossi nata un poco prima sarebbe ancor meglio.
    Potrebbero esserci altre opzioni simili a questa, ma penso che, per quest'anno, ti dovrai accontentare...

    Molti Auguri

  10. grazie luigi galli e alessandro f...ho letto quello che mi avete scritto...davvero storia della mia vita è un po particolare io nel 2007 mi sono fatta 1 intervento per dimagrire e da allora la mia vita è meglio, ho perso 70 kg e ho acquistato fiducia in me'anno ad ottobre dovrei completare il tutto cn altri 2 interventi...nello stesso mese del mio compleanno...o comunque prima di natale...spero in un vostro aiuto...e spero che possiate aiutarmi...provvederò magari in questi giorni a fornirvi l'orario preciso di dovrebbe essere dalle 22,15 alle 22,30 ne prima ne dopo...grazie ancora aspetto vostre risposte
