giovedì 19 gennaio 2012

Astrology Essays: Nirvana (Italian)

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Dear Ciro,

I received today a direct electronic message from my favorite musician in commendation for my work on my album. He is a widely known conspiracy theorist but I am quite sure he is in some way involved with what many refer to as the "Illuminati" or perhaps America's telecommunications-military-surveillance community. If there is such a thing as dream invasion, psychism, I am sure he is capable.

Can you analyze an horary chart for the time of the receipt of his communication to me?
I received the message at 12:38PM, today January 17, 2012. Would he be represented by the 7th house (quesited) or 3rd house (communications) or perhaps another (10th house, the authority).

Your assertion that the 8th house solar return ascendant is not so bad, seems rather true. However, I feel much intrigue, though in good spirit, abounds.

I am interested to know if everything is "above board" between this musician, a possible mentor and boss, and myself.

Very Sincerely,


Dear Michael,
I studied many years ago, for some years, the horary astrology, but - unfortunately - I didn't get convincing results and I abandoned this practice. Therefore it doesn't possible, for me, to answer to your question. If, then you want to know what I think of your synastry, then you should post the complete birth data of your friend. Many wishes.

Dear Ciro,

Can you please, when you'll be back home, suggest a good ASR for my friend (Apr. 12, 1956, 22:00, Jerusalem). thank you, Mordecai

Dear Mordecai,
I suggest to her to stay in Jerusalem. Best wishes.


Hello Sir,
You had suggested Rost, in Norway for Ravi as a Solar return option for Jan 2013. However I am unable to find the longtitude/latitutde and even where it is in order to figure out how to get there. Can you please give me the information?


Ciao caro Ciro,volevo chiederti,cosa può significare il mio sole in 5 casa radicale,che fà trigono a nettuno in 2 casa e che tutti e due formano un trigono al mio M.C di nascita?La mia data è 4-3-62 nato ad Orvieto alle ore 20:30.Grazie tanto,sei sempre una persona molto speciale.Ciao Patrizio da Orvieto. 

Caro Patrizio: delle ottime potenzialità lavorative suonando. Molti auguri.

6 commenti:

  1. Grazie,caro Ciro della tua risposta,volevo sentire anche da te quello che io pensavo,molto meglio che vada a suonare,invece che rimanere chiuso in un negozio,a soffrire come ho fatto fino adesso.Ciao Patrizio da Orvieto.

  2. Carissimo Ciro
    mi sono messa a studiare una buona ASR per mio marito, (TRIESTE, 27/02/1960, h. 12,40) ma sono in panne.
    Su sua espressa richiesta, ecco il focus:
    1) finanze
    2) protezione e fortuna sia negli spostamenti a corto raggio sia nei contatti di lavoro (si occupa dell’area commerciale nel settore telecomunicazioni e si muove molto in macchina).

    Avevo visto San Pietroburgo, ma l’As cade in 6^ radix e Marte è in 8^; andrebbe forse meglio qualche località nel triangolo Mosca Kiev Minsk, dove rimane sempre Marte in 8^, ma almeno l’As cade in VII^; non ho alba, sono tutte località che non ho neanche mai sentito nominare e non so quali di queste - se dovessero andare bene - possano avere un aeroporto!
    Ciro, ho bisogno di te!! Naturalmente non è urgente, so che in questi giorni sei in viaggio o sei di rientro quindi, quando torni...... sai che pendo dalle tue labbra

    Un caro saluto, a presto


  3. Un saluto a tutti i bloggers, per Ciro: alcune settimane fa volevo chiederti sulla mia prossima RSM, che ne pensi di Cipro in Grecia? avrei Sole ed Ascendente in decima ma con transiti un pò negativi come Saturno quadrato al MC, Urano semiquadrato a Luna, Nettuno quadrato al Sole e Plutone semiquadrato a Luna, che ne pensi? alcuni altri transiti sono buoni ma vorrei un tuo parere personale, grazie mille quando potrai rispondere.


  4. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  5. Dear Ciro,

    I need your help with my SR this feb7-
    My date of birth: feb 7, 1979 12:55 pm bacolod, philippines: current location north vancouver, bc canada

    i do not know where is my most beneficial sr location will be this year.... please help. I want to pursue singing and songwriting this year. Hope my relations would be conducive to my creativity this year. MArs SR on 12th house won't be a bother, right?

  6. Hello Mr. Discepolo,

    I am currently spending my birthday in Portland, Maine (USA). Back in August, I looked for options for my next ASR and Portland was a place you agreed with me. As I mentioned before in your blog, back in August 2011, I am only trying to move the energies so that they can be more favorable in the field of relationships. With this ASR I have Jupiter in 10th House, Venus cusp 9th House and Sun&Moon in 7th House. My ASR Ascendant falls in my 9th natal house, therefore my question today. I've read in your books that the effects of the ASRs can be felt immediately, so today is my birthday and I had some situations that I could not believe. Several setbacks in a very short of time. My question is: Am I subject to any setback or misfortune over the next year while traveling or being out of my country? I am going back home tomorrow and don't travel much, perhaps 2-3 trips a year (overseas), but I live over the border with USA, so I use to go to my neighbor country quite often. What should I expect? or these setbacks have nothing to do with the current ASR?

    Thank you very much for your time and reading my post....and above all for your guidance.

    January 23, 1973, 1.51 am, Mexicali, Mexico (115W29, 32N40), Scorpio Ascendant: 24'32
