You can get it here:
A 1200 Pages 7x10 Inches Size Two Volumes
Pay attention to the fact that for one little technical problem the Volume 2 will be available in a few hours
From the jacket:
Houses; the invention of algorithms which allow the reader to make a more informed choice (the book contains several links to his website where such services are offered free of charge); the comprehensive vision of all the “stars” of an entire family in order to explain important events, as is discussed at length here in the saga of the Gandhis, a family marked by death. The author was initially educated in the school of the French astrologer André Barbault, and he later became a follower of leading scholars, including Charles E. O. Carter, Charles Harvey, Reinhold Ebertin, Henri J. Gouchon, among others. He is particularly proud of two unique achievements: he is the
only astrologer in the world to have been paid to hold a seminar in Astrology in the prestigious university of Padova, in the very same hall where Galileo Galilei used to teach, and he is the only astrologer in the world who has received recognition from mainstream scientists for no less than two of his discoveries.
Ciro Discepolo is an astrologer, journalist and writer, he
was born in Naples in 1948 (on the 17th of July, at 5:40 am). He worked for
twenty years for the most popular daily of Naples, Il Mattino, writing articles on science, medicine, informatics,
literature and astrology. He has always refused to cast the so-called
‘horoscopes of the solar signs’ for that newspaper, as well as for any other
newspaper or magazine. He worked (at the age of 20) for five years at the CNR (National
Research Council) as Research Helper and, for two years, as Electronic
Measures Laboratory’s head in the Istituto
Motori of Naples, CNR. He has been dealing with astrology since 1970. He
has written over 70 books, most of them best-sellers in Italy as well as abroad
(France, the United States of America, Spain, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia and
Russia) and he has published over 1,000 astrological lessons on YouTube and
about 250 short Astrology Essays on Google
Books. In 1990 he founded the quarterly Ricerca ‘90, which he has been
editing and publishing since then. He has been doing statistical researches
from the very beginning of his interest in astrology. During the early ‘90s, he
obtained brilliant results with researches on astral heredity on a sample of
over 75,000 subjects, in different years and always under the control of
different experts of statistics among which also teachers of the University of
Naples. The astrological rules #1 and #2, published in his Transits and Solar
Returns but already described decades earlier in other publications of his,
have been statistically demonstrated by Didier Castille – the greatest
astrological statistic researcher in the world – on the entire French
population, and this is probably the most convincing evidence in Astrology of
the possibility to statistically demonstrate some astrological items.
These rules were also demonstrated in over 40 years of
studies by some researchers of Zurich University and they are the only
statements of an astrologer, of every time, demonstrated by Official Science.
He has been holding seminars, course and lectures in different universities and
cultural centres in Italy and abroad. He particularly deals with Predictive
Astrology, Aimed Solar Returns and Aimed Lunar Returns. According to many
colleagues, he may be considered the greatest living expert of this area of
study. Not only has he written many texts on this specific segment of the art
of Urania – he can also rely on the experience of more than 25,000 aimed birthdays
(covering the years 1970 to 2012). The outcomes of these aimed birthdays have
been recorded and analyzed by his consultants and himself at the end of each
year after the consultant’s departure for the aimed birthday. He has developed
extremely advanced software packages for the study of Predictive Astrology,
also projecting an innovative algorithm which is particularly useful for the
dating of events within one year, for individuals or groups of people. He is
deeply interested in informatics.
Astrologically speaking, he followed the school of André
Barbault. He founded the school of the Active
An almost complete bio-bibliography of the Author:
Preface to the First Part of the book:
Ciro Discepolo writes in a very direct manner, the
journalistic style, and this makes the information very accessible to the
reader. Anyone can understand how transits and Solar Returns truly work by
simply reading Ciro Discepolo ’s
books. He brought Astrology close to people that want to make a difference in
life by manipulating good or bad astrological aspects.
Ciro Discepolo started a new era of science in Astrology seen
eyes wide opened. There is no longer place in the field of sciences for
philosophical or metaphysical Astrology. Traditional philosophical Astrology
can only be read as a very good piece of literature that enriches ones
vocabulary, but is not able to empower people to forecast and ease their
future. We need straight answers to our concerns and substantial solutions to
our endeavors for a better life. Encouraging and nice words like “the Sun in
the 12th house of the Solar Return will make you grow spiritually” won’t stop
the unpleasant events to take place. A Saturn will always bring difficult
situations or will completely block ones actions, even with good aspects. So,
it is useless to promise spiritual growth, maturity and stability just for the
sake of optimism.
Napoli , 4 March 2012
Ciro Discepolo
Table of contents Vol. 1:
Preface ..............................................................................7
First part: Revision of Astrology
Preface to the first section of the volume ..............................15
01. What Astrology? ...........................................................21
02. The 12 natal Houses .....................................................27
03. The Time of the Day in which you are born ....................47
04. The Signs .....................................................................65
05. The Celestial Bodies of our Solar System ........................71
06. The Aspects in the Natal Chart .......................................73
07. The Aspect of Conjunction in the Natal Chart ..................75
08. The Reading of the Natal Chart .......................................77
09. The Analysis of Events ...................................................87
10. Transits .........................................................................91
11. The Timing of the Events ...............................................95
12. The Aimed Solar Returns ................................................101
13. The Aimed Lunar Returns ...............................................111
14. Earth Returns .................................................................115
15. The Astrology of the Cusps of the Houses ........................117
16. What is your Sign? .........................................................123
17. An Update to the Added Value ........................................139
18. The Fundamental use of Algorithms in Astrology ..............143
19. Missing Revisions of Astrology? ......................................151
20. On the so-called Intangible Points of the chart ..................157
21 Tradition and Modernization in Astrology .........................159
22. Questions and Answers ..................................................167
Second part: Dating of Events
23. The most important Problem ..........................................215
24. Ten good Rules .............................................................217
25. Granny Pina ..................................................................221
26. The tragedy of Novi Ligure .............................................283
27. The arrest of Mussolini ...................................................321
28. House arrest for Vittorio Cecchi Gori ...............................381
29. The Ruinous Resignation of Craxi ....................................403
30. The Atrocious saga of Death in Gandhi’s ‘family’ .............433
31. The Fatal Accident of Grace Kelly ...................................579-620
Table of contents Vol. 2:
1. The Heart Attack of Gianni Agnelli ..................................5
2. The Attack on Indro Montanelli ......................................93
3. The Death of Princess Diana ..........................................109
4. The Terrible Football World Championship of Maradona .155
5. The brutal Execution of Aldo Moro ................................185
6. The Election of Oscar Luigi Scalfaro as President of Italy .201
7. The Kafkaesque Story of Enzo Tortora ...........................219
8. The Imprisonment of Sophia Loren .................................243
9. Vittorio Emanuele Shoots and Fatally Wounds a Boy ........281
10. The Resignation of Silvio Berlusconi .............................321
11. The Death of My Mother .............................................373
Third part: Many and different technical topics of superior level
12. The Issue of the Celestial Latitude ...................................433
13. Extreme Latitudes ..........................................................439
14. The Accuracy in Calculations .........................................445
15. Linear and non-linear Interpolations ...............................453
16. The right Tolerance for the Orbs ...................................457
17. In praise of Placidus .....................................................463
18. What is the correct Distance between the Ascendant of SR
and the Cusps of the radical Houses......................................479
19. Distance between the Celestials and the Cusp of a House ..481
20. Assessing Priorities .........................................................485
21. What Elements do you have to take into Consideration
in a Horoscope? ..................................................................493
22. Tips to choose a good ASR .............................................497
23. Big Questions concerning an ASR ....................................505
24. Laura’s dangerous Birthday .............................................509
25. A technical Problem, but also a philosophical and
ethical one ...........................................................................517
26. A simple Case of Timing Events ......................................525
27. Kinlochbervie ................................................................529
28. A very bad ASR .............................................................535
29. Why is the Time zone not essential? ................................539
30. Is it raised or is it lowered? .............................................547
31. ‘Favourable’ stellium in ‘dissonant’ Houses ......................555
32. Derived Houses, Dispositors ...........................................557
33. ‘Incredible’ coincidences ................................................559
Fourth part: A Section of Astrology and Epistemology
34. The Guest of stone ........................................................565
35. An interview with the scientist: Luigi Smaldone ................569
36. An interview with the sociologist: Luigi Caramiello ...........579
37. An interview with the psychologist: Michele Rossena ........589
38. Talking with the philosopher: Raffaello Franchini .............597
39. A few conclusions .........................................................607
40. Bibliography .................................................................611-626
Master Ciro, it's been so nice knowing you. My life turned to the best. Cheers!
Dear Joan,
thank you. I hope that a day we well meet personally. Best regards.
Dear Ciro,
Many thanks for your answers and patience! It’s my mistake I haven’t paid enough attention to the links on the website. Now it's checked:). I’ve got the "Lunar Returns" from Amazon, but am only at the beginning of the book.
Many best wishes and sincere appreciation for your help!
Best regards,
Dear Vicky,
it was a pleasure for me.
Caro Ciro,
sono una ragazza che da tempo si sta interessando di astrologia attiva e rivoluzioni solari.Sono nata a Lodi il 16 Novembre 1989 alle 09.45. Per la prima volta quest'anno, in occasione del mio compleanno,ho praticato la rivoluzione solare mirata,per ottenere un cielo di rivoluzione migliore rispetto a quello che avrei avuto rimanendo a Milano.
Volevo chiederti se ti è possibile determinarmi anche quei luoghi del mondo dove mi sarebbe permesso vivere al meglio in termini di lavoro,amore e salute.
Ti ringrazio in anticipo per l'aiuto che vorrai darmi e, a nome di tutti, per il sostegno dato con la tua attività.
Cara Elisa,
per l'amore e per la salute non ti consiglio alcuna rilocazione in quanto, se ipotizzo, per te, un andare a vivere con Giove sul Discendente, ti dovrei posizionare la strettissima congiunzione Saturno-Nettuno all'Ascendente e viceversa. Ti consiglio, invece, Chicago per la tua realizzazione sociale/professionale perché, seppure avviene la stessa situazione con i due malefici al FC, il rapporto vantaggi/svantaggi sarà più a tuo favore. Un caro saluto.
Carissimo maestro vorrei un consiglio. Una mia consultante mi ha richiesto una rsm ma questa volta ho dei dubbi su quale sia la migliore da offrire, naturalmente senza sconti in chilometraggi.
Si tratta di una graziosa ragazza che in questo anno ha subito un forte calo negli studi. Vorrebbe migliorare la sua situazione dato che è indietro con gli esami universitari. Il fatto è che quest'anno, secondo me, bisognerebbe incentivare altri ambiti della sua vita a causa di transiti davver pessimi come per esempio quello di Saturno in X^ casa. Ha una situazione sentimentale in corso e tra breve Giove transiterà nella sua VII^ casa radix. Ho cercato una serie di soluzioni che potessero proteggere il rapporto ma non penso sia possibile senza rinunciare ad altre cose importanti. Per questo motivo ho pensato di optare verso una RSM che incentiva la X^ casa anche se a discapito dei sentimenti.
La ragazza è nata ad Ascoli Piceno il 2 febbraio 1988 alle ore 4.27.
Ho individuato qualcosa nei pressi di Medan, Indonesia; ma non mi piace Urano nella 12^ casa e Saturno troppo vicino alla 6^. Infatti temo per la sua salute nonostante ora Giove transiti in 6^ casa radix. Una rsm senza infamia e senza lode è a est di Las Vegas in Nevada. Ho trovato molte soluzioni ma nessuna mi convince davvero. Cosa mi consigli?
Giuseppe Galeota Al Rami
Caro Giuseppe,
questa è buona. Un caro saluto.
Preface to the First Part of the book:
Subtitle of
the book: A Massive Volume on the “Academic” topics of the Art of Urania
This very voluminous
book is divided into four main parts:
part: Revision of Astrology
part: Dating of Events
part: Many and different technical topics of superior level
part: A Section of Astrology and Epistemology
Revision of Astrology
Is it
possible to write a Revision of Astrology?
Or is it
too ambitious a project?
I have no
doubts the very title will make many colleagues and students who accept only
the word of Tradition indignant. On the contrary, I believe that Knowledge
should always be in progress, a continuing flux of discoveries that, from a
centuries long consolidated experience, may take advantage of new intuitions as
well as of the support of other disciplines with which it is possible to share
new frontiers in a holistic vision of life and of the world.
Let us take
an example from History. My great Mater André Barbault has addressed his
research focus all his life on World Astrology, which he has almost completely
rewritten as regards the Knowledge he has found behind him.
Some of you
might lament the fact that he gave us wonderful tools, like, in particular, the
study of the Planetary Cyclic Index and the study of Planetary Cycles taking
two and three slow asters at the time, only to take tons of soot off our eyes.
In this
case, do you think that a scholar like me, on the grounds of forty-three years
of passionate studies, spent studying at least sixteen hours a day, giving up
sleep for almost all of his life because of his unquenched thirst for
knowledge, could not and should not present you with a volume including, in the
most methodical way, every “grain of gold” he could find among heaps of
astrological dung?
I am not
obviously not due to decide whether this is acceptable, and whether the quality
of the resulting product is good: I am offering it to you and you will decide
whether to study the present material, whether to read it or simply ignore it.
I have
written this volume prompted by the explicit request, especially in the last
two or three years, of thousands of students from all over the world.
This is
more or less what happened in 1997 when I published my Thirty Rules (Transits
and Solar Returns, Armenia Publisher, Milan ,
Biblioteca di Astrologia). The rules were already included in books of mine
published twenty or thirty years earlier, but they were so disorderly
disseminated that the Reader obviously found it difficult to follow them.
So, I have
intended to collected not only the Thirty Rules, but everything I have
discovered during a whole life devoted to study and research, and most of all,
of field tests, always having before me a consultant I had to confront about
the foolishness I had said in the past since on such topics I almost always
trusted the “Holy and Absolute Power of Tradition”.
Here you
will read that the undersigned has discovered since many years, that the
Eleventh House os more mournful than the Eighth: don’t you believe it? It is
fine anyway, and you can do without this information in the interpretation of
your astrological responses.
The same is
true for blindness in the Sixth/Twelfth House, for deafness in
Aquarius/Eleventh House, for the crucial importance of the birth day and of the
says around it in the practice of Predictive Astrology…
In the
present volume you will find many “rules” that will partly change the way you
read a Natal Chart and, most of all, the way you make predictions.
No one will
force you to take them into consideration and you can follow the advice of some
of your Masters not to read this book.
On my part
I only wish to suggest to you, before going into greater details into every chapter
of this latest publication of mine, two reviews of my books appearing on,
at the url:
reviews are written by two of my colleagues, one from the United States and living in Chicago, the other a
young good scholar in Astrology and concert player who lives in Bucharest . I think that,
more than any explanation on my part, they can give you the final meaning of
this book.
1 of 1
people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of
5 stars Not for amateurs or the faint of heart, August 21, 2011
By Roy
“Roy” (Chicago , IL ) - See all my reviews
This review
is from: Transits And Solar Returns; A New System of Analysis for Two
Ancient Methods (Paperback)
This is an
excellent compilation of Ciro Discepolo ’s
research. In it, he clearly describes the principles of his “Active Astrology”
method. In that I have been an astrological practitioner for many years, it’s
easy for me to see that his descriptions are based on sound astrological
principles. For some the translation into English might be a little difficult,
but untangling some of the idiomatic expressions and metaphors he uses can be a
lot of fun, in fact, I find his writing as enjoyable as his overall concept.
What makes
this particular book unique is the clear explanation of the basics of the
system he works with. Starting with certain fundamental axioms about the
structure of the Solar Return chart, he makes it clear that you can actively
change this structure and therefore change the indications for the entire year.
This is what could be called (in a mixture of modern and Elizabethan metaphors)
“tweaking the accidental dignities”. Although he uses many examples to show
that this is a verifiable principle, he doesn’t go deeply into methods other
than “aimed” Solar Returns, or traveling to the location of the best possible
chart, for moderating the effects of transits. He has written other books that
cover the subject in greater depth; please see my review of Aimed Solar
and Lunar Returns for more about this. He does remind the student over and
over again that the effects of a given transit are subject to the quality of
the Solar Return in which they fall, and that’s really important to the way this
method works.
The reason
I titled this review “not for amateurs” is simple. Someone who has not worked
with astrological charts and predictive methods could be frightened by some of
what he says, and when emotions get involved, the basic principles go out the
window. Adding more on timing transits would be helpful for beginners as well.
These additions would make it easier for more excitable beginners to relax and
enjoy the writing as much as I do.
One more
thing - these charts are calculated in the tropical zodiac without precession.
I learned a number of years ago that this type of chart (which I refused to use
for a number of years because my involvement with sidereal techniques and
methods) can actually be very accurate if you base your interpretation on the planets
in the houses.
The Aimed
Solar Return gives an entirely new perspective as to what to do with this type
of chart. Again, others may find plenty to criticize about the book, but I
found it very enjoyable reading. I’m actually on my 3rd copy now, and still
having fun with it. Aiming the Solar Return and “Exorcism of the Symbol” work.
Period. This is a great book if you’re interested in learning to use astrology
in a proactive and preemptive way.
Roy “Roy” (Chicago, IL)
1 of 2
people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of
5 stars Why should we go for an Aimed Solar Return?, June 14, 2011
By Georgiana
Costescu - See all my reviews
This review
is from: Aimed Solar and Lunar Returns: What you can do when you cannot
leave (Paperback)
I went to
different astrologers to receive answers on my life and get cure for the
problems that I faced. They all indicated with precision the problems that I
had and offered only psychological counseling, like “try to be more flexible”,
“think positive”, “concentrate” or “wait ten more years and maybe you will get
what you are looking for”. Others even comforted me with the karma: “I’m sorry
for you, but now you are paying for the wrong things you did in a past life” or
even menaced “Stop all these things that you are doing now or you will pay
double in a future life”. Tired of all these “pieces of advice”, I decided to
find somehow a different approach in Astrology.
Luckily I
discovered Ciro Discepolo ’s books on
Solar Returns. This truly changed my outlook in life. His work on Solar Returns
indicates exactly how to attain positive situations in life using Astrology.
His book Aimed Solar and Lunar Returns shows in the purest way how to use the
transits together with the Solar Returns in order to protect ourselves from the
bad celestial influence and even achieve our goals in life.
discovered that it is in our power to change bad situations into positive ones.
We only need to understand the meaning of the aspects and transits and act
accordingly to their nature. Ciro Discepolo
explains all these aspects in his book and offers many examples. It is easy and
important to identify problems on a chart, but it is more important and vital
to find real solutions to these problems, otherwise Astrology would be useless.
Mending trough personal actions challenging celestial influence defines Active
Astrology. The individual no longer waits for bad events to arrive, not even
confronts them, but manages to avoid or even eliminate them. This is simply
This book,
together with “Transits and Solar Returns”, is a masterpiece of Astrology and
the work of a genius. No one, until this point, has ever interpreted the Solar
Returns and Transits this way before. This astrologer not only tells people how
to get rid of forthcoming problems and disasters (“Transits and Solar
Returns”), but also indicates, in this book, how to confront bad aspects and
transits and manage to make it through.
should read this book, whether they are professional astrologers or regular
people. “Aimed Solar and Lunar Returns” could be interpreted as a very strong
and useful conclusion of a lifetime passionate research in the wonderful field
of Astrology. Its author dedicated more than 40 years of his life studying
hundreds of thousands of charts and doing researches on Solar Returns and
transits, so this is 100% an authentic Astrology document.
It may seem
that positive situations are difficult to achieve. It is true, but since we
have this powerful tool called the Aimed Solar Return, we will finally be able
to decide ourselves what to improve, achieve and, moreover, when.
Georgiana Costescu
Dating of Events
You will
find at least seven hundred pages about the technique of Ciro
Discepolo – who combines in a very personal way the Aimed
Solar Returns, the Aimed Lunar Returns and the Transits to get very precise
forecasts analysing many news reports regarding dozen of very important people:
as the killing of the Mahatma Gandhi, the arrest and the shooting of Benito
Mussolini and of his partner, a very serious heart attack experienced by Gianni
Agnelli, the arrest of Sophia Loren, and many many others.
By learning
very well this technique, the Reader will be able to make precise forecasts for
Many and different technical topics of superior
As from the
title: the Question of Celestial Latitude; Very High Geographical Latitudes;
Precision in Calculations, Linear and Non Linear Interpolations; the Right
Measurement for Planetary Orbits; Praise of Placidus; What is the Right
Distance between the Ascendant of Solar Return and the Cusps of Radix Houses?;
Distance between Celestials and the Cusp of a House; Evaluating Priorities;
Advice for Choosing a Good Aimed Solar Return, and many other topics.
A Section of Astrology and Epistemology
with the Scientist
the Sociologist
with the Psychologist
with the Philosopher
Conclusions about the topic Astrology&Epistemology
This book,
albeit being – probably – the most voluminous treatise in Astrology to this
day, does not end here. In fact the Reader must know that to the following
address the Author daily runs a very successful blog where students and
colleagues from all over the world can address questions to him, to which he
regularly replies – for free – the following day:
Table of contents Vol. 1:
Preface ..............................................................................7
First part: Revision of Astrology
Preface to the first section of the volume ..............................15
01. What Astrology? ...........................................................21
02. The 12 natal Houses .....................................................27
03. The Time of the Day in which you are born ....................47
04. The Signs .....................................................................65
05. The Celestial Bodies of our Solar System ........................71
06. The Aspects in the Natal Chart .......................................73
07. The Aspect of Conjunction in the Natal Chart ..................75
08. The Reading of the Natal Chart .......................................77
09. The Analysis of Events ...................................................87
10. Transits .........................................................................91
11. The Timing of the Events ...............................................95
12. The Aimed Solar Returns ................................................101
13. The Aimed Lunar Returns ...............................................111
14. Earth Returns .................................................................115
15. The Astrology of the Cusps of the Houses ........................117
16. What is your Sign? .........................................................123
17. An Update to the Added Value ........................................139
18. The Fundamental use of Algorithms in Astrology ..............143
19. Missing Revisions of Astrology? ......................................151
20. On the so-called Intangible Points of the chart ..................157
21 Tradition and Modernization in Astrology .........................159
22. Questions and Answers ..................................................167
Second part: Dating of Events
23. The most important Problem ..........................................215
24. Ten good Rules .............................................................217
25. Granny Pina ..................................................................221
26. The tragedy of Novi Ligure .............................................283
27. The arrest of Mussolini ...................................................321
28. House arrest for Vittorio Cecchi Gori ...............................381
29. The Ruinous Resignation of Craxi ....................................403
30. The Atrocious saga of Death in Gandhi’s ‘family’ .............433
31. The Fatal Accident of Grace Kelly ...................................579-620
Table of contents Vol. 2:
1. The Heart Attack of Gianni Agnelli ..................................5
2. The Attack on Indro Montanelli ......................................93
3. The Death of Princess Diana ..........................................109
4. The Terrible Football World Championship of Maradona .155
5. The brutal Execution of Aldo Moro ................................185
6. The Election of Oscar Luigi Scalfaro as President of Italy .201
7. The Kafkaesque Story of Enzo Tortora ...........................219
8. The Imprisonment of Sophia Loren .................................243
9. Vittorio Emanuele Shoots and Fatally Wounds a Boy ........281
10. The Resignation of Silvio Berlusconi .............................321
11. The Death of My Mother .............................................373
Third part: Many and different technical topics of superior level
12. The Issue of the Celestial Latitude ...................................433
13. Extreme Latitudes ..........................................................439
14. The Accuracy in Calculations .........................................445
15. Linear and non-linear Interpolations ...............................453
16. The right Tolerance for the Orbs ...................................457
17. In praise of Placidus .....................................................463
18. What is the correct Distance between the Ascendant of SR
and the Cusps of the radical Houses......................................479
19. Distance between the Celestials and the Cusp of a House ..481
20. Assessing Priorities .........................................................485
21. What Elements do you have to take into Consideration
in a Horoscope? ..................................................................493
22. Tips to choose a good ASR .............................................497
23. Big Questions concerning an ASR ....................................505
24. Laura’s dangerous Birthday .............................................509
25. A technical Problem, but also a philosophical and
ethical one ...........................................................................517
26. A simple Case of Timing Events ......................................525
27. Kinlochbervie ................................................................529
28. A very bad ASR .............................................................535
29. Why is the Time zone not essential? ................................539
30. Is it raised or is it lowered? .............................................547
31. ‘Favourable’ stellium in ‘dissonant’ Houses ......................555
32. Derived Houses, Dispositors ...........................................557
33. ‘Incredible’ coincidences ................................................559
Fourth part: A Section of Astrology and Epistemology
34. The Guest of stone ........................................................565
35. An interview with the scientist: Luigi Smaldone ................569
36. An interview with the sociologist: Luigi Caramiello ...........579
37. An interview with the psychologist: Michele Rossena ........589
38. Talking with the philosopher: Raffaello Franchini .............597
39. A few conclusions .........................................................607
40. Bibliography .................................................................611-626
Master Ciro, it's been so nice knowing you. My life turned to the best. Cheers!
Dear Joan,
thank you. I hope that a day we well meet personally. Best regards.
Dear Ciro,
Many thanks for your answers and patience! It’s my mistake I haven’t paid enough attention to the links on the website. Now it's checked:). I’ve got the "Lunar Returns" from Amazon, but am only at the beginning of the book.
Many best wishes and sincere appreciation for your help!
Best regards,
Dear Vicky,
it was a pleasure for me.
Caro Ciro,
sono una ragazza che da tempo si sta interessando di astrologia attiva e rivoluzioni solari.Sono nata a Lodi il 16 Novembre 1989 alle 09.45. Per la prima volta quest'anno, in occasione del mio compleanno,ho praticato la rivoluzione solare mirata,per ottenere un cielo di rivoluzione migliore rispetto a quello che avrei avuto rimanendo a Milano.
Volevo chiederti se ti è possibile determinarmi anche quei luoghi del mondo dove mi sarebbe permesso vivere al meglio in termini di lavoro,amore e salute.
Ti ringrazio in anticipo per l'aiuto che vorrai darmi e, a nome di tutti, per il sostegno dato con la tua attività.
Cara Elisa,
per l'amore e per la salute non ti consiglio alcuna rilocazione in quanto, se ipotizzo, per te, un andare a vivere con Giove sul Discendente, ti dovrei posizionare la strettissima congiunzione Saturno-Nettuno all'Ascendente e viceversa. Ti consiglio, invece, Chicago per la tua realizzazione sociale/professionale perché, seppure avviene la stessa situazione con i due malefici al FC, il rapporto vantaggi/svantaggi sarà più a tuo favore. Un caro saluto.
Carissimo maestro vorrei un consiglio. Una mia consultante mi ha richiesto una rsm ma questa volta ho dei dubbi su quale sia la migliore da offrire, naturalmente senza sconti in chilometraggi.
Si tratta di una graziosa ragazza che in questo anno ha subito un forte calo negli studi. Vorrebbe migliorare la sua situazione dato che è indietro con gli esami universitari. Il fatto è che quest'anno, secondo me, bisognerebbe incentivare altri ambiti della sua vita a causa di transiti davver pessimi come per esempio quello di Saturno in X^ casa. Ha una situazione sentimentale in corso e tra breve Giove transiterà nella sua VII^ casa radix. Ho cercato una serie di soluzioni che potessero proteggere il rapporto ma non penso sia possibile senza rinunciare ad altre cose importanti. Per questo motivo ho pensato di optare verso una RSM che incentiva la X^ casa anche se a discapito dei sentimenti.
La ragazza è nata ad Ascoli Piceno il 2 febbraio 1988 alle ore 4.27.
Ho individuato qualcosa nei pressi di Medan, Indonesia; ma non mi piace Urano nella 12^ casa e Saturno troppo vicino alla 6^. Infatti temo per la sua salute nonostante ora Giove transiti in 6^ casa radix. Una rsm senza infamia e senza lode è a est di Las Vegas in Nevada. Ho trovato molte soluzioni ma nessuna mi convince davvero. Cosa mi consigli?
Giuseppe Galeota Al Rami
Caro Giuseppe,
questa è buona. Un caro saluto.
al termine del lungo esercizio pratico che abbiamo effettuato sul tuo orario di nascita al Convegno di Rimini, a me è risultato che tu sei nata alle 9.30, più o meno pochissimi minuti. Ora leggo che l'orario è sceso alle 9.10-9.30 e devo dedurre che ci sia stato un update e anche che il mio sforzo sia stato poco utile per te, ma utilissimo per gli altri.
La Aimed Solar Return di Istanbul, proposta da Luigi Galli con il nuovo orario trovato da me, mi convince. Se tu desideri cambiarla devi dirci cosa saresti disposta a sacrificare e cosa saresti disposta a posizionare: Marte in I? Uno stellium o l'AS in 12^. Il Sole in sesta? Pubblica qualche esempio e io cercherò di consigliarti al meglio. Però il mio consiglio l'hai già ricevuto a Rimini.
Un caro saluto.
volevo chiederle: la mia dominante è Mercurio, tuttavia non riesco a orientare precisamente il tipo di Mercurio a cui sono più simile.
Lei dice che esiste il Mercurio gemellino e vergineo (nel programma Astral), e che si può comprendere dall'insieme del tema qual'è la sua inclinazione. Sarà per la mia versatilità, ma a me sembra di essere "due mercuri in uno" ahahha. Guardando i dati del mio tema può indicarmi dei dettagli maggiori riguardo la mia natura Mercuriale?
Volevo chiederle anche, se esiste un libro su Mercurio scritto da lei o dal signor Barbault, magari simile al "Giove-Saturno".
Lo sa? La frase di Barbault sul "Mercurio che si diverte a fare il vecchio su cui bisognerebbe scrivere libri", mi ha colpito molto. Le rimetto i dati: 28/03/1988 ore 6:10 Roma.
A parte questo volevo ringraziarla per le sue parole: avere fede in me e nell'astrologia! Mi creda oggi è molto difficile credere in qualcosa, il quadrato Sole-Nettuno mi ha dato delle prove veramente dure. La ringrazio, le sue parole per me sono state un toccasana.
Francesco Manfredi
Caro Francesco,
quando tu dici “Sarà per la mia versatilità, ma a me sembra di essere ‘due Mercuri in uno’ ahahha...” in effetti non ci sei andato lontano. Infatti, nel caso di Mercurio, le sue simbologie sono similissime a quelle di Castore e Polluce nella descrizione del segno dei Gemelli governato appunto da Mercurio e dunque la dualità molto emotivo/poco attivo e poco emotivo/molto attivo, meravigliosamente descritta da André Barbault nel suo "Trattato Pratico" fissa esattamente questa tua condizione al di dentro della quale ti senti spesso “un doppio”. In questo caso il simbolo funziona anche in questo modo e io ho sottolineato, per esempio, come chi ha il Medio Cielo in Gemelli spesso fa un doppio lavoro.
Nel tuo cielo direi che Mercurio è salvifico perché ti rende anche un po' superficiale e ciò alleggerisce molto sia la quadratura Nettuno-Sole che hai appena citato e sia la pesante triplice congiunzione vicina al Medio Cielo.
Caro Francesco, hai sofferto molto e soffrirai ancora per la tua sensibilità, ma come già ti ho scritto, sono certo che la tua vita potrà migliorare alquanto. E questo Mercurio ti aiuterà in tale progetto. Io non ho scritto monografie interamente dedicate a Mercurio e credo neanche il mio maestro, ma puoi controllare tu stesso a questo indirizzo: Ancora auguri.
Per Tutti. Non è una notizia importante, ma vi
invito a leggerla perché potrà spiegare, a qualcuno, il perché di un certo
rumore di fondo che disturba, da qualche anno, l’Astrologia:
For Everybody. It is not an
important news, but I invite you to read it because it can explain, to someone,
the why of a certain noise leading that disturbs, from a few years, the
Buona Giornata a Tutti.
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A che ora sarà il mio
compleanno? (At what time I will have my Solar Return?):
Qual è l’Indice di Pericolosità
del Mio Anno?
CALCULATE, FREE, YOUR INDEX OF RISK FOR THE YEAR (as explained in the book Transits and Solar Returns, Ricerca ’90 Publisher, pages 397-399):
CALCULATE, FREE, YOUR INDEX OF RISK FOR THE YEAR (as explained in the book Transits and Solar Returns, Ricerca ’90 Publisher, pages 397-399):
Quanto Vale il Mio Rapporto di
Test Your Couple Compatibility:
Grazie mille per la risposta: in effetti non sono andato molto distante per longitudine geografica.
RispondiEliminaP.s.: dimenticavo di dirti che ho contattato la dottoressa per l'incontro di gennaio e ho confermato.
il commento precendente è mio ma con un altro account (quello che uso per il secondo blog)
RispondiEliminaCaro Ciro , a Gorizia ho tenuto , come annunciato in precedenza , una microconferenza di fronte a una dozzina di persone su di te e l'AA . E' stata organizzata grazie all'Associazione Cormonauti in Corso Italia , sabato 10 novembre 2012 a partire dalle ore 15.00 . Penso che sia andata piuttosto bene , anche se con la mia solita severità saturnina tendo sempre a sottolineare che molte persone pensano di sapere di Astrologia , quando in realtà dovrebbero ancora studiare molto , moltissimo , prima di poter affermare di capirci realmente qualcosa . Ti volevo scrivere il giorno stesso , ma guarda caso da quel giorno il tuo blog è andato "in vacanza" per parecchi giorni . Poi io mi sono perso per quasi un mese in esperienti medianici , occultistici e rituali di magia evocatoria ed ero impegnato quindi "altrove" . Cari Saluti da Roberto Minichini , Gorizia
RispondiEliminaCaro Ciro,
RispondiEliminaI noticed my solar return this year has Saturn squaring my natal Sun,ugh! I was wondering if there is anywhere in the world I can go to improve the situation, but preferably to stay in the US?
My birth info is: feb 1, 1967,time 13:27
Buongiorno sig.Ciro
RispondiEliminasono una neofita contenta di aver appena scoperto il suo sito e i suoi scritti, in particolare il concetto di astrologia attiva l'esorcizzazione del simbolo e la pratica delle rsm. Ecco per questo avrei bisogno di un consiglio dato che non sono riuscita a calcolare un luogo dove passare il mio compleanno, sono nata a bologna il 21.01.1971 alle 16.05 e vedo che sarebbe proprio il caso di spostarmi.
Grazie ancora di tutto il lavoro e buona giornata.
Sara C.