Dear sir,
Thank you so much for your guidance.
sincere regards,
Dear Alfred,
it was a pleasure for me, but you consider: with the exorcism of the symbols we succeed in neutralizing 20-25% of the adversities; with the Aimeds Solar Returns we reach a 80-85% protection level. A dear regard.
Salve di nuovo Signor Ciro
purtroppo a me il grafico non appare, le due località di cui parla penso le abbia indicate a Tess, magari me lo scriva direttamente il luogo, purtroppo non mi esce nessun grafico :-((
Un caro abbraccio anche da parte mia.
I will travel among September 19th and September 23th. In these days I cannot answer to your questions, but you can post equally your questions and I hope that my good colleagues of this blog will answer you.
Io viaggerò tra il 19 Settembre e il 23 Settembre. In quei giorni non potrò rispondere alle vostre domande, ma potrete postare ugualmente le vostre domande e spero che i miei bravi colleghi di questo blog vi risponderanno.
Per Tutti. Non è una notizia importante, ma vi
invito a leggerla perché potrà spiegare, a qualcuno, il perché di un certo
rumore di fondo che disturba, da qualche anno, l’Astrologia:
For Everybody. It is not an
important news, but I invite you to read it because it can explain, to someone,
the why of a certain noise leading that disturbs, from a few years, the
Buona Giornata a Tutti.
Notizie di servizio
Per postare una domanda o un
commento, visualizzare la pagina con il blog di quel giorno e portarsi sotto a
tutta la pagina. Quindi entrare nella scritta “Posta un Commento” oppure “Tot
Commenti” e lasciare il pallino nero su Anonimo.
Quindi scrivere il messaggio e, dopo averlo firmato con il proprio nome e
cognome o con un nickname, spedirlo. Occorre sempre che aggiungiate luogo,
giorno, mese, ora e anno di nascita. Solitamente rispondo nel blog del giorno
To post a Query or a Comment
To post a question or a comment, visualize the page with the blog of
that day and go under to the whole page. Then enter the writing “Sets a
Comment” or “Tot Commenti” and leave the black little ball on Anonymous. Then
write the message and, after having signed it with your own name and last name
or with a nickname, send this message. It always needs that you add place, day,
month, time and year of birth. I answer usually in the blog of the day after.
Per vedere bene i grafici zodiacali e le foto, occorre cliccarci sopra:
si ingrandiranno.
To see well a graph,
click on it and it will enlarge itself.
Passando il puntatore del mouse su
di un grafico, leggerete, in basso a destra dello schermo, il nome della
località consigliata. Se ciò non dovesse avvenire, vi consiglio di usare come
browser Chrome di Google che è gratuito e, a mio avviso, il migliore.
Where it will be my birthday?
Passing the mouse pointer on a graph, you will
read, in low to the right of the screen, the name of the recommended place. If
this didn't have to happen, I recommend you to use as browser Chrome of Google
that is free and, in my opinion, the best.
A che ora sarà il mio compleanno? (At what time I will have my Solar Return?):
Qual è l’Indice di Pericolosità
del Mio Anno?
CALCULATE, FREE, YOUR INDEX OF RISK FOR THE YEAR (as explained in the book Transits and Solar Returns, Ricerca ’90 Publisher, pages 397-399):
CALCULATE, FREE, YOUR INDEX OF RISK FOR THE YEAR (as explained in the book Transits and Solar Returns, Ricerca ’90 Publisher, pages 397-399):
Quanto Vale il Mio Rapporto di
Test Your Couple Compatibility:
Grazie tante, bellissimo posto!!! Buon viaggio e le farò sapere!
Da parte di Georgiana Costescu, Bucarest:
RispondiEliminaDear Ciro,
I wanted to post on your blog, but I think there is an error, because I can't do it anymore, so I am sending my questions through the email. You can post my message on your blog.
There are a some things that might not be too clear. If a planet, let's say Saturn, transits a certain point,for ex,and it conjuncts the Sun on the day of the SR and then, during the whole year, it no longer conjuncts the Sun, which is the most important influence as a symbol, the aspect in the SR or the transit? I know transits are subordinated to the SR, but, still, this might leave further interpretation.
Also, what if we deal with the reverse situation? Saturn doesn't conjunct the planet in the SR, but it conjuncts it during that year. Which is the difference between the 2 situations from above?
You mention in your books that a transit becomes effective within an orb of 2-3 degres. Are there situations when the influence is felt even before/after: at 4-5 degres or above?
As regards my next SR in 2013, I find myself a little indecise.
There are 3 options:
Brisbane(AU) - suggested by you
Gaborone (Botswana)
Montreal (Canada)
Brisbane seems good for general elevation in profession and life, but it affects, too much, in my opinion, the love life (Mars and Neptune in 7th)correlated with a Saturn transit in square to Venus.
Gaborone - I don't trust Saturn in 8th, especially since I have a bad transit in 2nd house towards the Sun (square); Mars in 11th with Saturn in 8th might announce some grief.
Montreal - seems a safe choice, especially since I had 2 almost similar SR charts for the past 2 years, love and health seem protected.What I don't like,is the cluster on 2nd house,contemporarily with a Saturn transit in the 2nd. To be honest, the past 2 years (similar charts with 2nd house influence)were more about expenses.
What I personally want for 2013 is elevation in profession and good health, but, also, I don't want to ruin what I've built for this year, as regards love.
I am also looking forward starting a business in partnership this end of year, so I have to choose a good chart in this regard for next year.
I am not sure if the business collaboration might constellate itself with a Mars and Neptune in 7th (Brisbane chart). What is your opinion?
24 JAN 1986, 21:20, Campulung,Arges
Thank you!
Best wishes,
Alludevo solo al clima! Le poche righe le ho ben studiate,ma volevo solo essere confortata circa la corretta interpretazione.
RispondiEliminaGrazie ancora per la disponibilità.