venerdì 19 ottobre 2012

Astrology Essays: Exercises In Aimed Solar Returns 60 (English)

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I will travel among October 17th and October 19th. In these days I cannot answer to your questions, but you can post equally your questions and I hope that my good colleagues of this blog will answer you.

Io viaggerò tra il 17 Ottobre e il 19 Ottobre. In quei giorni non potrò rispondere alle vostre domande, ma potrete postare ugualmente le vostre domande  e spero che i miei bravi colleghi di questo blog vi risponderanno.

Per Tutti. Non è una notizia importante, ma vi invito a leggerla perché potrà spiegare, a qualcuno, il perché di un certo rumore di fondo che disturba, da qualche anno, l’Astrologia:

For Everybody. It is not an important news, but I invite you to read it because it can explain, to someone, the why of a certain noise leading that disturbs, from a few years, the astrology:

Buona Giornata a Tutti.
Ciro Discepolo


Notizie di servizio

Per postare una domanda o un commento, visualizzare la pagina con il blog di quel giorno e portarsi sotto a tutta la pagina. Quindi entrare nella scritta “Posta un Commento” oppure “Tot Commenti” e lasciare il pallino nero su Anonimo. Quindi scrivere il messaggio e, dopo averlo firmato con il proprio nome e cognome o con un nickname, spedirlo. Occorre sempre che aggiungiate luogo, giorno, mese, ora e anno di nascita. Solitamente rispondo nel blog del giorno dopo.

To post a Query or a Comment

To post a question or a comment, visualize the page with the blog of that day and go under to the whole page. Then enter the writing “Sets a Comment” or “Tot Commenti” and leave the black little ball on Anonymous. Then write the message and, after having signed it with your own name and last name or with a nickname, send this message. It always needs that you add place, day, month, time and year of birth. I answer usually in the blog of the day after.

Per vedere bene i grafici zodiacali e le foto, occorre cliccarci sopra: si ingrandiranno.

To see well a graph, click on it and it will enlarge itself.

Passando il puntatore del mouse su di un grafico, leggerete, in basso a destra dello schermo, il nome della località consigliata. Se ciò non dovesse avvenire, vi consiglio di usare come browser Chrome di Google che è gratuito e, a mio avviso, il migliore.

Where it will be my birthday?
Passing the mouse pointer on a graph, you will read, in low to the right of the screen, the name of the recommended place. If this didn't have to happen, I recommend you to use as browser Chrome of Google that is free and, in my opinion, the best.

A che ora sarà il mio compleanno? (At what time I will have my Solar Return?):

Qual è l’Indice di Pericolosità del Mio Anno?
CALCULATE, FREE, YOUR INDEX OF RISK FOR THE YEAR (as explained in the book Transits and Solar Returns, Ricerca ’90 Publisher, pages 397-399):

Quanto Vale il Mio Rapporto di Coppia?
Test Your Couple Compatibility:

3 commenti:


    Come si può fare una cosa del genere? Questi sono i casi in cui mi chiedo perchè l'uomo sia così crudele!


    Alberto B.

  2. Buongiorno,vorrei comprendere come si deve fare x postare sul blog delle foto,c'è qualche blogger gentile che mi può aiutare? grazie! Anonimo,Milano

  3. Dear Ciro! How are you? First, I want to report some events: the end of last year I spent my first ASR with the Jupiter conjunct the MC and Moon in the 10th, Venus and Pluto in the 6th house, Mars in 2nd, Sun and Mercury in the fifth, Saturn in the third, Uranus on the cusp of 8th and 9th, Neptune in the 7th and 8th cusp and AS in the second house of radix. Many things happened this year: new and old partners joined me for new projects and businesses, creative ideas are much clearer to me, the relationship with my parents has improved, my father traveled to his ASR, my wife also traveled to its first ASR which I will report soon here as it has been a very good year for her, friends and other people are looking for me to kown about their ASR and I'm much more confident this year to accomplish all my goals. With respect to health I had some serious complications in cervical spine because of a Hernia that pushed me away from sports. Despite having many expenses with that, I was forced to seek various therapies and health solutions to reverse the situation and it made me adopt new eating and nutrition habits, good habits of posture and others restorative therapies. Saturn was present this year in some way that I had several car license expenses, put in a good sense, since this year I'll probably be able to resolve an impasse with my driver's license that already lasts 5 years. Anyway, as I'm taking seriously the study of SR, I'm planning my next SR that happens now in December. I wonder if Saldanha in South Africa is a good choice for the business and career (my birth: December 7th, 1977 at 17h59 - Sao Paulo - Brazil)? I am very grateful to be able to learn from you and with all your recommendations and publications. Thanks a lot. Jose Jorge Jr.
