Imaginary Solar Returns (or virtual or fake, whatever you want to call them)
can’t even work in theory. Full transcript of my YouTube of the same name.
I would
like to offer you some thoughts on something that is becoming fashionable these
days and which is based on a suggestive idea, that of being able to transform
iron into gold, this ancient alchemical dream. Evidently it corresponds to an
archetype, a mythologem, a universal symbol that pre-exists man and which then
ends up dwelling in the soul of every human being.
This is
Each of us
can, and I would dare say must, dream of “being able to fly”. And so, as
sometimes happens in our dreams, during the night, with our eyes closed, we
dream of flying like eagles can.
It is a wonderful
dream that, from a psychoanalytic point of view, is full of meanings, positive
prospects, growth and so on. So it is legitimate, all of this is legitimate.
This is to tell you that the act of turning iron into gold, of making the play
that will earn them one hundred million euros, of being able to fly towards the
sun with open arms and so on, is part of the dream of many people. Then, moving
from the dream dimension to the practical one, unfortunately things change
completely. So, while it is not wrong to dream, to caress a dream, to lull
oneself with the idea that one day such an event will be possible, on the other
hand we cannot be so indulgent in classifying the behavior of certain people
who then exploit these ancestral needs of man economically and try to
fraudulently profit from something that cannot happen. But for objectively
physical reasons, and I am referring to the fact that now there are people who,
among other things, also claim to be from my school and who promise those who
cannot leave for their birthday neither for the solar nor for the lunar: “Don’t
worry, you don’t have to go to the Pacific to remove this Mars from the first
House...” They say: “I’ll take it away from you and without you leaving home,
you give me a hundred euros and I’ll take it away from you...” and the other
asks: “But how do you take it away?” “Well, I’ll take it away from you with the
Then there’s
another one who says: I apply “quantum” energies, I put my hands on your sky
map and move the stars… Let’s say that this reminds us of a famous Walt Disney
film, a wonderful movie that we all saw as children, related to these magical
things that happened in those scenes, but when they were the cartoons of the
great Disney, wonderfully colored, that moved not only on the movie screen, but
also in our hearts, it could be suggestive, cute and beautiful to let yourself
go to this oblivion, as can be beautiful the praise of escape that Henry
Laborit talks about. Otherwise we are in total fake.
When we
move from the theoretical level of dreams, which in some way could soothe some
of our suffering, and we move to the practical level, where there is Tizio or
Caio who says: “Don’t worry, you give me a hundred euros, I’ll put my hands on
the drawing or even put my fingers on my temples and look intensely at your
Lunar Revolution painting and move Mars to the House you tell me one, Jupiter
to the House you like the most. Give me a hundred euros and I’ll do this...”
then here the matter becomes more burdensome. You ask, but who cares about all
this, this should be more a question of public order, of the judiciary. I had
the privilege of spending a couple of years, as I wrote, with the great
Giambattista Callegari who had made sensational discoveries with his
experimental radiobiology control unit and who in the books he wrote also
included the example that I reproduced in my magazine “Ricerca ‘90” and that I
did myself at home, winding a simple spiral of a very small coil, a copper
wire, which in particular conditions allowed me to perform an experiment that,
according to physics, was impossible and that instead demonstrated the K effect
of the K circuit of the Callegari control unit and I would like to remember
that he had created this system that was based on an oscillator. In electronics
then the circuits are not ten thousand, the fundamental circuits will be seven
or eight: there is the oscillator, there is the amplifier, there is the
trimmer, that is, the one that cuts a wave beyond a certain threshold. There
are seven or eight circuits… He had created this oscillator which had as its
working frequency a narrow range of frequencies which was between the radar
waves and one of the two extremes of the visible rays zone (the colours) and
so, within these frequencies, what did he do?
He created
a resonance circuit, then he had the subject apply his fingers to two
rheophores, that is, to two metal buttons, he had the subject apply his fingers
or if the subject was not present he would insert a photograph of himself into
this oscillating circuit and at first it seemed like magic to me but the
explanation was very simple: the silver salts that made up that image, that
photo, were nothing other than the electromagnetic imprinting of that subject
on the paper with those silver salts. In short, the photograph had its own
specificity which is like fingerprints, so when he inserted the photo into this
circuit he then operated on the capacitors which changed the frequencies of the
oscillating circuit and created a resonance, like when we, with the old
analogue radios, looked for a radio station: we moved the capacitor until the
frequency of the receiver was the same as the frequency of the transmitter and
we heard ‘O sole mio’ or we heard Charles Aznavour or whatever you like. So all
this was flawless, flawless, and even what Callegari was saying about the
possibility of alleviating certain pathologies is the entire legacy that his
son, the engineer Giuseppe Callegari, is treasuring, doing a remarkable
meritorious work because he is republishing his father’s books, with meticulous
work, collecting documents, the testimonies of hundreds of us who drank from
that source and he is producing extraordinary realities. Now he is busy with
the last two volumes, when they are finished I have proposed that I will be his
“boy”, obviously for free, and I will dedicate myself to him also for a couple
of days to present these books in Milan, to introduce to many people that jewel
that is Callegari’s science. So he, the son, with his daughter, who in turn is
a biologist, have developed a series of tests to demonstrate the validity of
the Callegari effect. He says but what does all this have to do with moving
Mars or Jupiter? We’ll get there, have a little patience. So they set up
experiments that are so objective that they cannot be denied.
Let’s start
with the experiment that in my opinion is the most important of all: that of
modifying the pH of a liquid in more or less constant environmental conditions.
What is meant by “more or less constant environmental conditions”? Those that
in science are defined as inside a black box, a black box where humidity,
atmospheric pressure, temperature and so on are practically constant. Now
without going to the extremes of a laboratory, even during a conference, if we
are inside an air-conditioned room, the fluctuations in temperature and
humidity and atmospheric pressure will be very slight, they cannot affect this
experiment, I can assure you because the subject that I studied with the most
passion when I was graduating and I graduated in industrial electronics was “electronic
measurements”, a subject that I was enormously passionate about because it
corresponded to my critical spirit, to my Mars in Virgo, and I wanted to split
a hair in four and go and see if the four parts were equal and I did it
following repeatable protocols, this is the substance... So let’s take a
liquid. You know that every liquid, like every liquid or solid substance, has
its own pH and the pH is the index of acidity of an element.
So let’s
take some very pure bi-distilled water, some simple bi-distilled water, perhaps
in a sealed bottle. Here, this bi-distilled water will start with its own
specific pH that we can establish with great precision. Why? Because when we go
to measure this pH with a device, a pH meter, we who know more or less what the
pH of said substance will be, let’s say that we are more or less certain that
it will be between 5 and 7 pH. So, before starting our measurements, we will
equip ourselves with two sealed vials produced by specific pharmaceutical
companies or companies directly connected to the construction of these pH
measuring devices that will give us certain samples with a certain pH that will
allow us to read even the second decimal place. So, for example, they will give
us a vial that will be 5.03 pH and another that will be 6.98 pH.
When we
have measured these two vials and found that the data on our measuring device
correspond to the maximum approximation of one digit, which means the second
decimal place, therefore one hundredth of a pH, we can be almost one hundred
percent certain that everything we measure a minute later, within that range,
between 5 and 7, we will measure with great precision and this great precision
will give us a result that will have as a maximum error one hundredth of a pH
unit. What we are saying is important.
Now, what
does the Callegari juniors, son and grandson, experiment consist of? It
consists of the fact that during the conference, before starting to speak, they
will measure this pH of the said substance and they will measure it in front of
you. Everyone will be able to come closer and check that there are no sleight
of hand tricks by the various, I don’t know, Ivan or that other magician who
became secretary of CICAP, things of that sort.
No, that
everything happens in broad daylight. After that, during the chat, they will
submit a photo of this bottle inside the Callegari control unit and will impose
a frequency that can be applied from the control unit itself, establishing
upstream how long it will take this pH to change and what value it will approach.
So, for example, the experiment will say I will try to bring you this pH that
is acidic because it is 5, let’s say, I will try to bring it much more in the
basic direction and I will make it approach 6 during the chat. If we have
ascertained that at the start this pH was 5.03, let’s say, and at the end of
the conversation we verify that the pH is 5.80, well it seems to me that there
can be no doubts about the effect of the Callegari control unit: it was able to
vary the degree of acidity and basicity of that water, I repeat, bi-distilled
and sealed.
therefore, someone might say: so you see? You can act by transforming even
inorganic chemistry, but if you manage to transform inorganic chemistry, you
are also able to transform organic chemistry and therefore, for a person who
for example has very strong problems with stomach acidity, you can do the same
job and this person after two or three hours of having put their photo under
the Callegari control unit will feel much better with their stomach and if they
do a gastroscopy they will verify that that person really is much better with
their stomach because the pH inside their stomach has gone much more in the
basic direction.
Of course,
but we are talking about two completely different things.
That is, to
be clear, let’s say we can create a direct and logical connection between a
Mars in a certain House and the acidity of John Doe’s stomach. So one thing is
what Callegari senior said and what Callegari junior says today and also his
daughter and many of us, and among us there were several physics professors,
professors of chairs in universities in Italy and also chemistry professors in
different universities in Italy, but not only in Italy (Callegari was offered a
chair in Canada and he did not accept and remained in Naples for the rest of
his life), and another fact is the “magic” that some people talk about...
will tell you that it is possible, on the basis of a situation of an astral
determinant that causes acidity in the stomach, in a subject, to soothe the
effects of this attack on the subject’s stomach. Now, to make it simple,
because otherwise the discussion would become very complicated, let’s say that
this strong stomach acidity is due to Mars in the first House of the Solar
Revolution. So if we use, and mind you, it’s not like a Callegari control unit
can do five, six, seven, ten things at the same time, no, we put a wave on it
and it works on that wave, then for a year we could try to soothe the effects
of that Mars that is in the subject’s first House and that is expressed above
all through a strong stomach acidity. Is that okay? But this doesn’t mean that
we have removed Mars from the first House, so much so that if we disconnect the
control unit for just a minute, for the entire following year, Mr. Rossi’s
stomach ache will return to the same as it was before. So we haven’t done what
some promise, we haven’t removed Mars from the first House to put it, I don’t
know, in the fourth, because these people perhaps delude themselves that they
will kill their mother-in-law in this way. No, they are stupid, silly. Apart
from the fact that there are clever mothers-in-law that many, including me, are
happy to have, but to relate to the jokes some people believe that by putting
Mars in the fourth House they will kill the mother-in-law and remove it from
the first. It is not so because the Callegari control unit and therefore the k
effect, which someone else will call “the quantum effect of my hands applied to
the photo” and another will say “it’s a slap in the face that I do”, in short
whatever you want, but, in the end, the concept is that those who say they do
this thing claim to have moved Mars from the first to the fourth House, but it
is not true, they cannot do it because assuming that they were able to perform
an action like the one I have just described to you by means of the Callegari
control unit, they would have to remain “with their hands applied to that photo
for three hundred and sixty-five days a year” and it would not be the effect of
moving Mars from the first to the fourth, but - theoretically - they would be
able to soothe only one of the side effects of that Mars in first, that is, the
heartburn, but they could not eliminate Mars that is in the sky, because the
Mars that is in the sky, above all else, is the most powerful reality that
exists. There is no force in the universe more powerful than the stars that
revolve around us, so we can put a patch, a plaster to soothe the effects of a
Mars that will remain in first, but we cannot move Mars from first to fourth
and I think everyone understands this.
Per Tutti. Non è una notizia importante, ma vi invito a leggerla perché potrà spiegare, a qualcuno, il perché di un certo rumore di fondo che disturba, da qualche anno, l’Astrologia:
For Everybody. It is not an important news, but I invite you to read it because it can explain, to someone, the why of a certain noise leading that disturbs, from a few years, the astrology:
Ciro Discepolo
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