possible explanation by Ciro Discepolo from his book “L’uomo e le Stelle –
Intervista all’Astrologia”, Ricerca ’90 editions, Milan, 2023, 824 pages.
Starting from the question by Paola Cannatello who interviewed me:
- I believe we have crossed the threshold
of three hundred pages of written book and we are still at the first part of
the volume, that is, the section that we could call “Astrology & Science.”
You had told me that you would dwell on this part at length, and I absolutely
agree with you, because I also believe that it is a fundamental basis of the
“Intervista all’Astrologia.”
So, willingly continuing along this path,
I would like to refer to something you said many pages ago, about Newton’s law
of gravitation.
In that paragraph you stated, roughly: it
is not up to us astrologers to explain how and why Astrology works, it should
be them, the physicists and astrophysicists, to explain it to us...
Okay, but I know that you have an idea on
the subject. Do you want to illustrate it to us?
Gladly, and then I will bring you my
thoughts on what we could call the Callegari-Palmieri-Emilio Del Giudice-Nicola
Del Giudice/Ciro Discepolo Theory on the functioning of Astrology, but also of
Solar Returns and Lunar Returns (Targeted and not).
This is clearly a question and not an
answer. In this regard, I would like to point out to the Readers that a general
update on my thoughts, my school and my books is collected in the 80 video
lessons in very high resolution (mostly 4K) that form the basis of my annual
courses in Active Astrology, courses that not everyone can enroll in, but those
interested can ask me for information directly by writing an email to
Making a summary of this would be really
tiring, but above all useless since the videos exist in full size format.
By watching them all, you can get a fairly
precise idea of what I believe today, after having celebrated my professional
jubilee (1970-2020) of boundless love for Astrology, in relation to its
genesis, its functioning mechanisms, the methods of verifying them and more.
But I want to make a truly excellent
effort and I will throw you two topics to reflect on precisely in relation to
the possible functioning of Astrology.
first very important idea was given to me by Professor Giovanbattista
Callegari, right at the dawn of my studies in Astrology. An extraordinary man whom I had the
pleasure of meeting for a couple of years, even several times a week,
Callegari, the father of Radionics and
Callegari Radiobiology, spoke to me mainly about Physics and Science and I
listened to him for hours, enchanted.
One of the things that struck me most was
this sentence:
interplanetary space, which we consider empty, even if it is not really empty,
the impedance is zero and therefore the distance has no value."
A colossal, gigantic truth!
In a nutshell — and referring to our
beloved subject — it translates as follows:
“If, within our solar system, the
impedance to the crossing of electromagnetic waves is equal to zero, this means
that distance no longer has any value and this explains why Pluto, despite
being abysmally more distant than Mars, for example, with respect to the Earth,
functions exactly as the same with respect to us!”
second point of enormous importance for the purposes of explaining the possible
functioning of Astrology, was given to us by the brothers Emilio and Nicola Del
Giudice, in various books and above all during a magnificent conference that I
promoted in Vico Equense in June 2005 (June 3, 4 and 5) and in which great free
men, of science and general culture participated.
In the round table we organized on that
occasion, a round table brilliantly directed by our colleague and friend Andrea
Rossetti, the CNR physicist Emilio Del Giudice, who had been studying the
memory of water for many years, with his brother Nicola, a homeopathic doctor,
explained to us more or less:
the moment of birth, a child is ‘governed by the mother’s stars.’ Then, when
his breathing becomes autonomous, the “stellar magnetic field” present there,
imprints itself on his water molecules, which form over 65% of his person, and
due to the principle of water memory, this information will remain forever
within him, representing his astral DNA.”
He also
explained to us that all this is similar to the birth of a homeopathic
medicine: when we dilute a drop of mother substance in a hundred drops of
distilled water, we also impart an energy to the test tube (read:
electromagnetic waves) and in that way we fix the therapeutic action contained
in the drop of mother substance. Due to the principle of the memory of water, the
homeopathic medicine will forever retain the characteristics of the substance
from which we started to reach even the hundred thousandth centesimal dilution
and everything will not be cancelled by the famous Avogadro number.
A question
that I have asked myself numerous times and that, just as many times, has been
asked by readers or people present at my seminars and conferences, is the
following: according to which physical or universal principle is it possible to
frame the functioning of solar and lunar revolutions and accept, already in
theory, that they can actually act?
aside what I have repeated many times, and that is that the astrologer who has
successfully experimented thousands of times with the functioning of RSM and
RLM should care little where the theoretical justification for this comes from,
however over the years I have developed my own theory that then seems to have
received validation from many schools of thought, both strictly scientific and
We know,
for example, that the great Carl Gustav Jung discussed at length the question
of whether Astrology should be framed according to the principle of cause and
effect or according to that of synchronicity.
He also
worked on this together with the Nobel Prize winner for physics Wolfgang Ernst
Pauli and all his doubts on the subject became pervasive within his work,
starting with the study on synchronicity1 and continuing with all the
subsequent publications in which he touched on this subject. Until shortly
before his death, as Emma Baumann Jung2 herself writes, he remained with doubts
about "this strange thing that is Astrology", but never about its
validity, but rather about the question of whether it should be classified as a
"causalistic" phenomenon or as a "synchronic" phenomenon.
Unfortunately, the great psychologist and thinker from Zurich left us with this
for some years now, I have been increasingly convinced that, as far as our
beloved discipline is concerned, we should lean towards the causalistic
I will
shortly explain my entire thought, especially regarding Solar and Lunar
Returns, but first I will give you a gift that I believe is important: it is a
series of writings that appeared between 2005 and 2007 in my quarterly Ricerca
'90, articles that in my opinion are of exceptional importance, especially if
"captured" together in the coherent aspects that run through them in
what today would be called a transversal alignment that unites them.
The dates between June 3 and 5, 2005, I
believe, will remain historic for Astrology: during these three days, during
the XII Annual Astrology Conference, promoted by Ricerca ’90 and held in Vico
Equense (NA), some scientists “alternative to the Palace” made us listen to
reports of extraordinary interest.
exceptional scholars, whom I would like to thank again for their invaluable
contribution (a special thought goes to the teacher and friend Eng. Vincenzo Di
Napoli who is no longer among us), sat at the same table, without knowing each
other before, and illustrated to us some aspects of a possible vision of the
world and its laws, a Weltanschauung that, if read according to a criterion
that I will propose later and that takes a part of what each of them taught us,
could really be the basis for a general theory on the possible functioning of
Astrology, never hypothesized until now and, in my opinion, very interesting
and convincing.
then, I will let you read their reports and what they also wrote later on
Ricerca ’90, and then I will comment on them for you.
It is science that should validate itself, by
Renato Palmieri 3
As always
happens in the conferences of “heretical” disciplines, by posing the problem of
their relationship with “official” science, they are willing to ask for their
own validation on the basis of the principles of the current doctrines, where
it would be necessary to reverse the question and ask instead academic science
to offer “its” credentials on the basis of heretical principles. The paradox is
only apparent, because precisely the anomalies presented by the so-called
“scientific heresies” are the Achilles heel of the normal paradigm, which is in
no way able to explain them and therefore limits itself to denying them.
An emblematic
example is given by “cold fusion”, which in 1989 unleashed a worldwide
multiplication of experiments that were in agreement with confirmation, then
gradually suffocated by resistance of a theoretical nature, but above all
“economic” and power of the establishment.
arguments can be put on the table in the place where we are now gathered.
Astrology seeks its effective motivations in two orders of influences, such as
those of a gravitational or electromagnetic nature. Let us see then what current
science actually “knows” about the essence of gravitation and electromagnetism.
Well, it is
easily demonstrated that it knows absolutely “nothing.”
1) In this
conference the zodiac is daily bread. The zodiac presupposes the ecliptic. The
plane of the ecliptic is that of the entire solar system, with an axis centered
on the Sun and a vast equatorial plane, on which the planets rotate: the large
planets with their entire retinue of satellites, Saturn with its rings, etc.
This structure as a whole has a discoid shape, analogous to that of the immense
galactic disks, with a general rotation prospectively counterclockwise or
clockwise with respect to the two North and South poles of the central axis.
This immediately evident characteristic has a very clear name: dipolarity, and
is present without equivocation in every celestial body of sufficient size. Yet
it is incredibly ignored as regards gravitation in all the books of theoretical
physics, cosmology and history of science, starting from the theorems of Kepler
and Newton, through the Cavendish experiment for the measurement of the
gravitational constant, up to Einstein, and is even denied where there is talk
of "spherical symmetry" and "unipolar field" of gravitation
(see Phillips, La Geofisica, Biblioteca EST Mondadori, pag. 168). This means
that all the discussions and calculations that have been made or are being made
on gravitation are approximate: so much so that the so-called
"constant" G of gravitation is calculated with only three significant
figures (6.67), compared to the eight or nine figures of other cosmological
2) I have
with me two pieces - King and Queen - of magnetic chess. They have the same
pole, since the opposite one is on the chessboard. Let's bring the two pieces
together on the base side.
It is
immediately evident that the so-called “repulsion” between them does not
manifest itself along an axis, as one imagines in any physics book, but with a
rotary “slip”, for which no theory could give us a reason. Well, such a
phenomenon is completely identical to the behavior of a comet with a very
elongated ellipse, which having reached perihelion also “slips” rotating around
the Sun and then returns towards outer space, with an overall movement that no
one would dream of defining as “repulsive” with respect to the Sun.
It follows
that the general picture of the “knowledge” accredited by current science
compared to the so-called “heretical” knowledge is similar to Brueghel’s
painting entitled “The Parable of the Blind.” The leader, already fallen into
the pit, is academic science (despite Popper's "falsificationism",
rightly branded in the previous intervention by Prof. Emilio Del Giudice): the
blind who follow him, if they do not decide to detach themselves from the group
as soon as possible, will be the heretical disciplines that seek its support.
To conclude
with a general proposal, I would invite the establishment of C.I.C.A.N. as a
counterbalance to the infamous C.I.C.A.P.: that is, the Italian Committee for
the Control of the Activities of Normal Science, to whose judgment it would be
appropriate to submit many of the most sensational articles of the academic
journal LE SCIENZE.
Vico Equense, June 4, 2005
De Fibonacci, pyramids and surroundings, by
Vincenzo Di Napoli 4
This note
is intended to be a continuation of what, some time ago, I had to say about the
implications that the fatal Fibonacci number entailed in the field of
architecture. The sizing of construction elements, according to the classic
golden dimensions, both in plan and elevation, have important implications in
the field of Hertzian microwaves: a construction element with its
plano-altimetric conformation builds a volume that, with respect to them,
behaves like a resonant box on frequencies often falling within those
corresponding to the different colors of the Helmholtz spectrum.
induction of these frequencies is of a cosmogeophysical nature and their value
depends not only on the dimensions, but also on the shape and orientation of
the construction element in space. At this point, let's say right away that
these frequencies, in the case of sizing according to golden elements, fall in
the orange-yellow area. How ancient architects managed to achieve such results
remains a mystery.
understand its importance, it should be noted that according to medical
chromotherapeutic theories, all the colors that go from orange-yellow to red
are bioaccelerators and all those that go towards violet are bioretarders1:
from this it follows that in correspondence with orange-yellow there is stasis.
Thus a new chapter of environmental hygiene opens that also considers as
corollaries the nature of the building materials, in particular the sands that
enter into the composition of the concretes as well as the color of the
internal walls of the rooms. Therefore, for the design of new works or for the
redevelopment of existing ones, the problem arises of a technique that allows
to determine and measure the following elements:
Sensitivity to cosmogeophysical radiation of the rooms due to their planimetric
and altimetric conformation.
2) Nature
of the materials with which one intends to build.
Coloration of the walls that enclose the rooms.
If the
volume of the environment can be inscribed in a sphere, the accumulation of
energy can also be studied on a graph representing its planimetry and this is
what I have personally achieved by using the Callegari machine as a Hertzian
microwave detector (see previous issues of this magazine). Its use technique
will be discussed in a future issue of this magazine.
Allow me,
at this point, a digression both for the historical nature that it occupies in
my research, and for consequent implications of an astrological nature.
originally turned my attention to these topics when I proposed to investigate
some still unknown aspects of the Egyptian pyramids.
Building a
model on the same module (ratio between the perimeter and double the height) of
the pyramid of Cheops, I discovered that it had its resonant volume on a
frequency around orange-yellow and that it varied more or less depending on the
orientation and the day. This implied important considerations:
1) The
builders knew well that the amount of inducing cosmogeophysical energy was a
function of the plano-altimetric dimensions…
2) … and
that it was variable with the orientation towards certain constellations, and
this at least testifies to the perfect knowledge of astrology2.
Wanting to
understand all this, I hypothesized that the explanation could only reside in
the purpose for which these mammoth constructions were built and that was
undoubtedly the perfect conservation of the mummies of the pharaohs. Now, the
conservation of the cadavers implied a fight against the enemies of the flesh
that cause putrefaction, and which are water and microorganisms (fungi):
against the water a biopsy was performed that allowed the corpse to be emptied
of all the internal organs replaced by cotton wool soaked in perfumes and the
outside was wrapped in cotton bandages soaked in sea salt. The energy
accumulated in the pyramid acted against the microorganisms, which, as we have
seen, fell around a color close to orange-yellow, making them inert and
therefore dormant.
justifies, for example, the misadventures of the French archaeologists who were
the first to violate the pyramids and remove some mummies that were then
exhibited at the Louvre in Paris.
In fact,
having entered the pyramids, they were attacked by microorganisms that, once
outside, resumed their virulence, even causing the death of some members of the
expedition, later explained with the "curse of the pharaoh."
An astrological
consequence is that it would be useful and interesting to analyze the geocosmic
energy levels according to the day and the hours, operating on photos of the
celestial vault with the use of the Callegari control unit. It would be a
further confirmation of the physical-scientific foundations of Astrology.
I propose
to carry out research in this direction, hoping to give some results in the
next issues of this magazine.
Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of natural integers that can be defined by assigning
the values of the first two terms, F0 = 0 and F1 = 1, and asking that for
each subsequent term Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2.
sequence takes its name from the 13th century Pisan mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci and the terms of
this sequence are called Fibonacci numbers. Fibonacci's intent was to find a
law that described the growth of a population of rabbits: it is assumed that
each rabbit takes a month before becoming fertile and that each pair of fertile
rabbits produces a pair of offspring per month; so if we start with a single
pair after a month we will have two pairs of which only one is fertile, in the
following month we will have 2 + 1 = 3 pairs because only the fertile pair has
given birth, and of these three now two pairs will be fertile, so in the
following month there will be 3 + 2 = 5 pairs. In this way the number of pairs
of rabbits in each month describes the sequence of Fibonacci numbers.
0, 1, 1, 2,
3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 (=F10), 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181,
6765 (=F20), 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, 514229,
32040 (=F30), 1346269, 2178309, 3524578, 5702887, 9227465, 14930352, 24157817,
39088169, 63245986, 102334155 (=F40)
In Sloane's
OEIS the Fibonacci sequence has the abbreviation A000045. Fibonacci numbers
enjoy an astonishing range of properties, are encountered in mathematical
models of various phenomena and can be used for many procedures computational;
they also possess various interesting generalizations. A scientific periodical,
The Fibonacci Quarterly, is expressly dedicated to these topics.
Notes (edited by c.d.)
1) Anyone
who has studied chromotherapy knows well, in fact, that if a If a subject has,
say, an inflammation of a molar, it would be like throwing gasoline on the fire
if a red scarf were to be placed on the affected jaw of the sufferer. On the
contrary, a patch with a color that went in the direction of violet (on the
other side of the spectrum of frequencies in electromagnetic waves), could, certainly,
alleviate the pain of the patient.
2) Here, in
my opinion, we are in in front of another topical passage, of enormous
importance in the speech that the professor engineer Di Napoli and his
illustrious colleagues have been making, on these pages, for months now. They,
in my opinion, are opening shells of extraordinary truth of Knowledge,
Knowledge not contaminated by the blind fundamentalist hatred of some
pseudo-scientists driven by prejudices – or worse – in the pay of someone. The
Author refers generically to the “constellations”, but we astrologers know that
the speech is relative to the passage of the stars along the 'ecliptic.
These few
lines are full of extraordinary importance because they allow us to understand
wonderful aspects of the functioning of the universe, of the Earth, of the
stars and of their mutual interactions.
Anyone, I
repeat anyone, can experience with their own eyes that by building a small
pyramid with the numbers suggested by the engineer Di Napoli, they will
observe, for example, the "miracle" of the apple cut in two: you will
place one half under a pyramid of transparent plexiglass and built according to
the model of that of Cheops; you will insert another half of the apple under
another pyramid, built with incorrect measurements: after a few days you will
observe that the first has been perfectly preserved and the second has
completely rotted. I am completely convinced, at this point, that in the last
issues of Ricerca '90, things of fundamental importance have been written for
the understanding of Astrology and its way of working.
foundations have also been laid, suggested by Pino Valente, from the eng.
Giuseppe Callegari and others, of a possible verification, by means of the
Callegari Centralina, of the frequencies (in the Callegari scale) relating to
the various stars and of a possible future use of the same: the idea that one
day it will be possible to substitute a targeted birthday in laboratory, it
seems to me much more than a find from a science fiction novel. Once again we
are extremely grateful to the engineer Di Napoli who gives us such pearls of
Radionica Callegari and Astrology, by Giuseppe
Callegari 5
I fully
agree with those, like the illustrious prof. Palmieri and others who preceded
me, who affirm that ASTROLOGY has a life of its own and does not need the
official consent of anyone. Emilio Segre, Nobel Prize winner for Physics,
discoverer of the antiproton, during a conference on “Physics of the 20th
century” publicly declared that “[…] without the courage of men capable of
thinking and reasoning in an anti-traditionalist and anti-conformist way,
detaching themselves from the so-called ‘fundamental laws’, we would not have
radio, television, telephones, airplanes, space flights today…
And this
every time practical experience advised not to take into account, or even to
consider questionable some consolidated ‘certainties’ of Official Science...”
that still today wants to ignore, or at least pretends to ignore, the existence
of the Other Science, the one parallel to it, the one that amazes and excites
you, that makes you rejoice for the beauty of Creation, that makes you dream
and fantasize, that elevates the spirit, the one that should be brought to
everyone’s attention, starting from school desks.
Callegari, the father of Radionics, reminds us that “[…] The results of
experience, incontrovertibly proven, are authoritative above theoretical
propositions… Theories, in general, can be considered with a certain
detachment, leaving to time the task of affirming them, of perfecting them on
the basis of the results of new experiences, or of burying them… Theories can
change, but the facts and the results of experience remain and cannot be
But, as is
easy to imagine, there is a precise will, above the man in the street, that
tenaciously works against, in order to keep the threads of profit firmly in
place, whatever the cost.
And it is
clear to everyone what happens systematically in the world, from the most
absurd wars to the most dissolute abandonment of populations that suffer
(despite the unbridled consumerism of many) and who even risk disappearing; to
the senseless deforestation and massive deforestation, with the consequent
elimination of that great gift that God has bestowed upon us (the green of
plants and trees, in addition to constituting a pulsating reservoir of oxygen
and chlorophyll, constitutes a natural defense against the continuous and
constant bombardment of neutrons coming from the Cosmos).
I ask myself:
the Powerful, the Heads of State, those "who count", where are they?
They are really absent, concerned only with business, political and otherwise,
careful to fiercely preserve power, at any cost ...
I apologize
for this parenthesis, but I believe that it is not bad not to lose sight of
certain themes, especially when you are intent on dealing with others as
pleasant and fascinating as the one that Astrology offers us today, on this
wonderful day in Vico Equense. Let's go back, then, to our theme: "Possible
hypotheses of how Astrology works."
Already six
thousand years ago, an enlightened Chinese, Fo-hi, stated that "man is the
synthesis between the Celestial Forces and the Forces of the Earth." In
fact, in particular, "[...] the celestial bodies [...] constitute points
of reference for the motion of the Earth in the Cosmos; to this motion
correspond periodic energetic variations of space, which affect the phenomena
that concern both inorganic and organic matter, and, therefore, in particular
man. That is, there are variations of the fields of forces that affect
man" (from G. Callegari: "My opinion, based on K-analysis, on the
content of the volume: Mario Pincherle, Archaeological sources of magic,
Edizioni Filelpo, 1977").
Giambattista Callegari's Radionics has confirmed, after six thousand years, the
transcendent truths of Fo-hi. The discovery of the K Effect, or Radionic
Effect, and the “Radionic Principle” (1938-1945), together with the results of
continuous and intense experimentation, confirm that, due to the
“Cosmogeophysical Conjuncture”, that is, the contemporaneity of natural
phenomena involving the Earth and the Cosmos of which it is a part, particular
processes of natural ionization of space occur that allow the activation of the
phenomenon of “resonance”.
That is, it
becomes possible, in the non-impeding, i.e. more transparent, space, the
exchange of energy between the radio-oscillating-emitting structures (in our
case the planets, the stars, the constellations) and man.
phenomenon, however, affects all living beings, therefore, in addition to man,
also animals and plants, as well as inorganic matter.
From this
follows the manifestation, in that sky and in that time, of phenomena and
events that interfere and interact with man's "earthly day", both on
the material plane and on the psychic and emotional ones.
From the
results of Callegari's experimentation, man is nothing more than a particular
"Natural Oscillating Circuit", in the Callegari style, equipped with
an antenna for capturing waves coming from the space in which he is immersed.
In this natural circuit, the coil is made up of the nerve filaments that depart
from the spinal axis, while the capacitor is made up of the masses spread throughout
the body.
The average
value of the radionic frequency of man, based on the Original Callegari Scale,
is fk = 5.751 (it is not hertz, but, if you want, you can calculate the value),
which is the result of two frequencies: fk = 3.753 (biophysical wave) and fk =
9.001 (photopsychonic wave).
And there
is much to say about radiation coming from celestial bodies: colors and musical
notes correspond to the length of the wave and the frequency (after all, the
cosmic configuration and the balance of our solar system are governed by a
musical order). For example, our Earth “colors in blue” and “plays in G.”
Callegari has determined the radionic values of the energy of the Sun, stars,
Galaxies and Comets (fk = 8.001); of interstellar, interplanetary and
endoatomic space (fk = 9.000); of planets, satellites, asteroids, meteors and
sunspots (fk = 0.001). The Sun and Moon influence man by making him participate
in the male nature of the first and the female nature of the second.
Think that
a red blood cell completes a complete rotation of our body while the heart
beats 28 times and 7 breaths are completed, with the same ratio between the
number of heartbeats and breaths in a minute, or between the solar and lunar
cycles. Which means that the rhythms in man follow the same laws as the rhythms
of our Galaxy, that is, there is a perfect analogy between microcosm and
As if that
were not enough, everything is complicated (and exalted, surprising us) by the
almost “harassing” presence of certain numbers, both in Nature and in the
Universe and in the works, artistic and otherwise, created by man, such as: the
golden or divine number or Fibonacci number ö = 1.618… (we find it in the
arrangement of leaves in plants, in the logarithmic spirals of sunflowers,
shells, vortices, in galactic spirals, in the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci,
Piero della Francesca, Albrecht Dürer, and, just incidentally, strangely in the
radionic value of water found by Callegari, fk = 1.600); the ð = 3.14… (it is
present in the structure of the Pyramid of Cheops, also called the Great
Pyramid; Callegari found the radionic number fk = 3.333 - which is also close
to double 1.618… - as the value at which the images are enhanced, that is, they
appear in natural relief, so much so that, if a ray of light is passed through
a Callegari radionic circuit, which forms a radionic channel, variations occur
in the black Fraunhofer lines). Time does not allow us to delve into these
discussions here.
With the
CRC Centrale Radiobiologica Callegari that you see on this table (it is the
prototype of the new model called CRC 75/05 Super Original New, produced
exclusively by the Callegari Radionics and Radiobiology Laboratory directed and
coordinated by me, and which I am officially presenting today), it is possible
to “capture” matter in general, and, therefore, man in particular.
That is, it
is possible (even by means of a photo) to enter into radionic resonance with
the object or subject and study its energetic state at that moment (surpluses,
deficits, balance). Once the imbalances have been identified and the causes of
such phase shifts have been found, it is then also possible to activate the
procedures for re-phasing, that is, re-balancing, to try to re-establish the
isoenergism in the individual under examination.
It is
precisely from the table of this XII Vico Conference on Astrology that I
announce the birth of Radionic Astrology for which a new instrument of
Radionica Callegari is being created: the first Central for Radionic Astrology,
called “PC/05 ASTRAL RADIONIC CALLEGARI”, a unique and elective device for
astrological applications.
It allows
the radionic verification, by means of the hologram technique, of the
determinations specific to the astrological technique. This allows to ascertain
the current state of resonance or not between the subject and the result of the
astrological calculation reported in graphic form. If this is not the case,
that is, in the absence of resonance, it will be necessary to identify the
non-real basic data (for example the complete coordinates of the subject's
birth: day, month, year, time, place, environmental conditions, local and/or
general events of notable importance, etc.) and then make the necessary
corrections to re-modulate the astrological determination.
In the
positive case, i.e. of resonance, it will be possible to determine the
complementary radionic frequency fkc or fkr to intervene positively, with the
application of the K Method (Callegari radionic method) on the energetic state
of the subject in a natural way, with subtle energies, non-destructive or
invasive, without side effects, never harmful.
That is, it
will be possible to verify whether the "astrological remedy"
recommended by the operational protocol is actually necessary and applicable or
not compatible with the subject himself: for this verification it will be
necessary to calculate, with the aforementioned PC/05 Callegari, the value of
the radionic frequency fk of the expected astrological remedy and check, with
the same instrument, whether or not this frequency is complementary for the
example, if the astrological remedy is that of a geographic-environmental shift
(change of both spatial-terrestrial and energetic-magnetic coordinates), the
radionic frequency of the recommended site is determined (with reference to a
time interval close to the expected one) and it is checked whether this
frequency is complementary, that is, whether it is the one necessary for the
overall rebalancing of the subject.
If this
does not happen, it is necessary to re-examine the proposed case and find a
different astrological remedy, which could be replaced by the direct and unique
application of the complementary radionic frequency fkc (which was mentioned
previously) through the aforementioned CRC 75/05.
In closing
my speech (I do not want to take up any more time from the continuation of the
work of this Round Table), allow me to extend strong applause and heartfelt
thanks to Ciro Discepolo, who, with his usual elegance and passion, has been
able to “courageously” tell you all, with affectionate attention to detail,
some radionic experiences he directly lived in contact with my father,
Giambattista Callegari.
I am deeply
grateful to him.
Astrology, prejudices and a “tidbit” on
Marconi, by Emilio Del Giudice 6
Let me
start with Shakespeare, when he says in Hamlet “there are more things in heaven
and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy”; philosophy has little to do
with it, but give me five minutes and I will remind you, in a tendentious way,
how the invention of the radio occurred at the end of the 19th century.
1870, an English theoretician named Maxwell demonstrated that, based on the
equations of electromagnetism, there was the possibility that the energy of the
field could propagate in space through electromagnetic waves, which do not
coincide with the electric field and the magnetic field, but are, so to speak,
the traveling component.
That is,
the overall field has this traveling component and then it has the component
that in English is called near field and in Italian is called ‘campo vicinale’,
which propagates much less and is the field near the source.
How did the
idea come about: as long as everything is static, nothing propagates, but
suppose that someone who is near the source of the field modifies the source.
Since this
field acts at a distance, and on electric charges, the question arises
spontaneously: after how much time from the modification of the source does the
charge that receives the action realize that something has changed? Does it
realize it instantly or after a while?
simplify, imagine you have a pool full of water, suppose a ball is floating on
the water, you are a little far from the ball and you want to move it. So you
start hitting the water with an oar, causing waves that travel and move the
If you aim
the hits well you can move it. This is an example in which you modify an
infinite medium and the effect at a distance is perceived after a while. And
what is the medium? It is a wave that propagates.
Well, the
electromagnetic wave follows this idea a little, that is, you basically have a
field that I generate here where there is a charge and it acts there. So I take
this charge and, instead of keeping it still, I move it and then, as a
consequence, the force that acts also fluctuates: but does the fluctuation
appear simultaneously or after a little time?
Here, the
answer given through the theory by Maxwell is that it happens after some time
and that the speed with which this wave propagates in terms of the parameters
of the theory is equal to the speed of light. So the suspicion arises that
light is a particular form of the electromagnetic field.
This all
seemed like a theoretical construction after about thirty years. The German
Hertz who was helped in his research by an Italian called Augusto Righi, after
whom squares, streets, high schools etc. are named, and therefore we can define
him as a "validated" person, let's say, Hertz experimentally verifies
Maxwell's theories.
So, using
electromagnetic waves it is possible to send messages over a distance. Why did
a certain number of years pass before practical applications of electromagnetic
waves came into play?
Because one
of the consequences of the theory confirmed by the experiment is that
electromagnetic waves propagated in a straight line, with lateral fluctuations,
the so-called refractive effects, which however were of the order of magnitude
of the wavelength.
So, if one
used, given the antennas available at the time, electromagnetic waves that had
a wavelength of a few hundred meters up to a kilometer, the refractive effects
allowed these waves to climb over a hill, but certainly not the curvature of
the earth. Therefore the idea of transmitting an electromagnetic wave from
Europe to America or vice versa was considered stupid.
stupidity was attempted, fortunately, by Guglielmo Marconi, who was the son of
a very rich family, his father was a rich landowner from Bologna, his mother,
who was English, was even richer. So he was from a very rich family and he, who
was a rich man's boy, had all the arrogance of the sons of superior families.
He decided to want to make this attempt. He, who was certainly intelligent, but
also ignorant (he didn't study because he was rich), confusing the
electromagnetic field with the electric field, thought: here in the books it is
written that the electric field near a conductor is arranged parallel to the
surface of the conductor. Therefore, the earth is a conductor and the electric
field will be arranged parallel to the earth, and then, for the curvature of
the earth there is no problem; he rightly, or rather unjustly because he was
ignorant of the matter, did not know that the electric field that is parallel
is the nearby field, it is not the electromagnetic field which is something
All right,
so he knocked on the door of Augusto Righi who in the meantime had the chair in
Milan (certainly, if Hertz was the father of electromagnetic waves, he was the
uncle), Marconi knocked on his door and said: "Professor, I thought of a
way to transmit a radio signal from Europe to America." And Righi, who had
the arrogance of the scientist who has arrived, answered him: "Oh, yes?
And how would this thing work?" And Marconi explained to him what I
illustrated to you a moment ago.
Then Righi,
with a cold air, said to him: "Get out of here immediately, don't waste my
time, study first and then come back here, and he kicked him out."
who fortunately did not have to ask the CNR for funds, which certainly would
not have given them to him, asked them instead from his mother, who in the face
of a possible negative opinion from Righi would have gouged out his (Righi's)
So his
mother financed the venture and he left for England, put up an antenna in
Cornwall and then, since his mother's money was a lot but not infinite, in
Newfoundland (Saint John's, New Foundland, Ed.), Canada, he rented a piece of
land, he didn't buy it, and he put up another antenna. In the meantime, the
newspapers began to publish the news that a young Italian was preparing a wireless
telegraph from Europe to America.
Then the
journalists began to interview various scientists on the subject, and Le Monde,
the largest French newspaper of the time, published an interview on the front
page with the greatest French theoretical physicist, Henry Poincaré, a great
scientist, in short, all the people I'm mentioning weren't stupid, ignorant,
they weren't Piero Angelas, each had discovered things.
So, writes
Henry Poincaré, with all the French haughtiness, but hasn't anyone explained to
this Italian that the Earth is round? Or does he think that the Earth is flat
as the ancients are mistakenly supposed to have thought? But they didn’t
explain it to him (this is similar, in a certain sense, to the story of the
bumblebee that can’t fly and doesn’t know it and flies anyway. See The
Foundations of Medical Astrology by Ciro Discepolo, Armenia, Ed.)?
doesn’t care about it, the big day arrives, he sends the signal, and the signal
arrives! What a figure!
So, if we
were to take that other windbag Popper seriously, we should say: “So, has the
theory of electromagnetism been falsified? Because the theory says that
electromagnetic waves propagate approximately in a straight line, on the other
hand the earth is round, putting the two things together, considering an
electromagnetic wave that starts from America, it cannot reach Europe.
If it does
reach Europe, then it means, according to Popper, that one of the two
statements has been falsified.
So it means
that it is not true that electromagnetic waves travel in straight lines or that
it is not true that the Earth is round.”
But, since
it is absolutely true that electromagnetic waves propagate in a straight line
and it is equally true that the earth is round (and now we also have
photographs), then what is the explanation?
explanation is always that there is something that is not known at the time of
the discussion and that deceives people, in this specific case it is the
ionosphere. At that time neither Righi nor Marconi knew that the ionosphere
existed, an atmospheric layer that is located several dozen kilometers from the
ground and is composed of ionized gases, because the radiation that arrives
from space ionizes the gases of the upper atmosphere, so a layer of ionized
molecules is formed.
And this
layer acts as a mirror with respect to the electromagnetic waves that have a
wavelength that, let's say, corresponds to the density of this plasma.
So, for
frequencies lower than the so-called plasma frequency of the gas, the
ionosphere acts like a mirror, that is, that layer of gas is opaque to
radiation, so, luckily (luck favors the bold), the frequencies used by Marconi
were in the right range, so Marconi's wave, starting from Terranova, went in a
straight line, went up, went up, met the mirror, was reflected on the earth and
was thus able to reach Europe.
So, as you
can see, Righi's theory was absolutely right, Poincaré's arguments were
sacrosanct, and nevertheless, Marconi was right.
another circumstance unknown to contemporaries had intervened, which fixed
In fact,
there is a saying: if an old professor says that something is not possible, he
is almost certainly wrong, while if he says that it is possible, he is almost
certainly right.
That is,
saying that something is not possible is the biggest nonsense that one can say,
because there is always a way around the issue.
Well, I
don't pretend that the hypothesis I sold you before is the right one, it may be
different, but it shows you that it's not impossible to think of mechanisms
that account for... if you think about it more intensely, the thing that
certainly isn't possible is to say "it's not possible...".
Just to say
that ignorance doesn't always help, the first time Marconi was lucky, the next
time he was unlucky, very unlucky: it was the case of radar, whose first idea
was still Marconi's, in fact Marconi in a conference he held at the Navy
General Staff in 1922 proposed using an electromagnetic wave that is
"fired" from an antenna placed on a ship, travels, and, if it
encounters another ship, bounces, comes back and reveals its presence.
According to the principle of radar.
Except that
Marconi, as we have seen, confused fields with electromagnetic fields, and
didn't have a clear concept of wavelength, studying is not always useless,
sometimes it is useful.
He, who was
fond of long waves, designed, or had designed, a radar that was based on a
radio wave of a few hundred meters in length, therefore, the fact that the
Italian Navy did not have radar during the war is false, it did have it, and
the Italians called it "owl", but it was useless because the
electromagnetic wave that was used had a wavelength of a few hundred meters,
and ships have a shorter length, the refractive effect, that is, the lateral deviation,
completely covered the ship with the result that nothing could be seen. In
fact, the resolving power of a radar, that is, the size of the smallest visible
object, is given by the wavelength used.
since the ships were smaller than the wavelength used, the owl turned out to be
a fiasco.
Two of
these devices were mounted, one on the battleship Littorio and one on the
destroyer Lince and after a few months they were dismantled because nothing
could be seen.
English, on the other hand, used electromagnetic waves with a length of 10
centimeters for their Radar, and in this way they were able to see not only
ships but also airplanes.
So, even if
the idea of Radar was Marconi's, thanks to the fact that he was not very
familiar with the consequences of wave theories, the device he designed proved
So, coming
to our Astrology, and many other phenomena (not only Astrology), I would say
that commonly a whole series of factors are not considered, but rather
neglected, that would make the phenomenon plausible, and in fact in recent
years you have witnessed the blossoming of impossible things: cold fusion, that
is, how it is possible to carry out nuclear reactions at room temperature,
without great means.
do molecules recognize each other in the millions of molecules that are inside
an organism? How do they know which is their soul mate with which to fit
together and give rise to the oncological effect? They don't explain this.
of course we didn't have an answer to the question, and then I said to him,
look Professor, I'm willing to walk around Naples with a sign in front of me
that says "Homeopathy is stupid, and I'm an imbecile", if you give me
an explanation of how molecules move.
he said to me, are you trying to take me for a ride? I replied, no, I didn't
say that.
listen, I replied, let's imagine, and let's touch wood, that you take a plane
to go to a conference in the United States, you open the newspaper and see a
small blurb (let's always touch wood) where it says that professor "such
and such" died in a car accident, at which point you put your hand to your
heart and fall to the ground because you had a heart attack.
Professor Garattini, can you explain to me what molecule entered your eye from
the newspaper? And from your eye it went to the medullary part of the adrenal
gland, in the medullary part of the adrenal gland it activated the production
of adrenaline, the adrenaline entered the circulation, caused vasorestriction
and you had a heart attack? Can you explain it to me, Dr. Garattini? […] Of
course I didn't get an answer, so I'll answer. Here's a clear example. Let's
take two people suffering from the same pathology who go to two different
homeopathic doctors. Both know homeopathic medicine perfectly, they correctly
prescribe the treatment, which is the same for both, one heals and the other
does not.
you explain to me why one heals and the other does not? Because homeopathy
recognizes an effect that is the effect of the therapist-drug. The therapist is
also a drug, and a powerful one at that, so the same drug that does not have an
effect on one doctor has an effect on another doctor, because this resonant
exchange of radiation is associated which is naturally the first source of
healing, as happened for example to a patient suffering from asthma who came in
breathing in an atrocious way and sat down in the waiting room, while he waited
he started chatting with the people who were there in the office, when his turn
came and he came in he told me that his crisis had passed.
is, the fact of discovering within the study the possibility of opening up and
exchanging information, and therefore also important feelings, sensations and
emotions, had made the body relax without the need to take cortisone or other
we learn and, I conclude, we try to enhance with homeopathy those apparently
strange aspects that this science proposes, and which are then the same ones
that we find in Astrology, in acupuncture, that is, a sort of conspiracy theory
of official science, that is, a sort of mind that also explains the great
discoveries that official science has made. Because maybe it has not been
possible to demonstrate, for example, how molecules meet, but the fact that
molecules meet is a real fact.
if we manage to revalue this meeting, it is naturally a big step forward for
science, and diseases will no longer need the type of drugs that we use today.
you (much applause. Editor's note).
A Scientist's Thought on
Astrology, by Renato Palmieri
rises, a leaf moves on my balcony. Of course it does not move only because of
the influence of Sirius, but because of the infinite magneto-gravitational
components coeval with the rising of Sirius. These change instant by instant in
an undetectable way and therefore the leaf throbs with every breath of wind and
rustles with all the other leaves.
if it is true that it is impossible to separate one from the other the
innumerable influences of the astronomical firmament, the cyclical nature of
many of them, in relation to the position of the Earth with respect to the
solar system and to the Dantean "other stars", can determine
significant variations, of a periodic nature, in the quantity and modality of
those influences and therefore contribute to imprinting with different
characteristics those born on their birthday.
is what someone like me can recognize in Astrology, who is not a scholar, but
knows from history that this discipline includes among its scholars illustrious
names of thinkers and scientists, and does not exclude, moreover, out of
prejudice from human experience a symbolic and supersensible value of astral
references. Homo sum: humani nihil a me alienum puto, in the saying of Terence.
fact is that, however it may be and as has been abundantly demonstrated
elsewhere, academic “science” — in terms of true knowledge — is as qualified as
the crudest of astrologers, and this precisely on those subjects, such as
gravitation and electromagnetism, of which it essentially ignores the nature
and which it adduces with such self-assurance to refute the abhorred
astrological “heresy”.
A few notes of commentary, edited
by Ciro Discepolo
more writings by non-aligned scientists, open-minded, scholars of apparently
paranormal phenomena whose only paranormal aspect is that they are not accepted
into the Palace.
sincerely thank professors Vincenzo Di Napoli and Renato Palmieri for the
distillations of knowledge and wisdom that they give us every time they agree
to collaborate with our magazine.
this last year we have hosted their writings of truly extraordinary interest,
in my opinion, and also other writings of similar content. I am referring to
several articles and short essays by scientists who have made us reflect on
some unique topics that I would like to recall here in a brief list:
Engineer and Professor Di Napoli, together with Engineer Callegari and other
scholars of the method of the great Giambattista Callegari, have taught us,
among other things, that when two bodies in space are in resonance (their
energies), the impedance (in the "transmission between the two
energies") is equal to zero and this means that the distance no longer has
any value (the scope of this truth is immeasurable because it explains, among
other things, how Pluto can have the same value, from an astrological point of view,
as the Moon or Mars).
Professor Palmieri pointed out to us how modern physics does not take into
account the question of the polarity of the gravitational field of the Earth
and other celestial bodies. Furthermore, in his Unigravitational Physics he
unifies the nature of electromagnetic and gravitational waves, inserting
fundamental distinctions where almost all physicists of all time become
confused and assert, for example, that Pluto cannot act on human beings because
its gravitational force is almost zero.
- The
two researchers and scientists Emilio and Nicola Del Giudice have clarified for
us, with many very clear details, the issue of the memory of water and the fact
that a child, as soon as he is born, before creating his own personal magnetic
field, takes what "gravitates on him" at the moment of birth: the
water molecules are oriented by the magnetic field and retain this orientation
"forever", which can help, a lot, to explain how Astrology works.
our Friends have written this and much more on these pages. Remember it
because, in my opinion, Ricerca '90 has been able to seal an important chapter
of history in the great book of the philosophy of science.
cd (I
apologize for the excessive vulgarizations necessary, perhaps, to a non-expert
you can easily understand, we are really facing a topical stage in relation to
the heuristic path in general and to that of the study of Astrology in
three concepts that I have just brought to your attention could be the basis for
a universal theory that we could call the Callegari-Palmieri-Del Giudice Theory
(both) sufficient to explain a possible functioning of Astrology from a purely
physical point of view, without the need to resort to Jung's synchronicity or
even to the so-called paranormal phenomena that so delight the minds (?) of the
exponents of the C.I.C.A.P. And, if you allow me, I would also like to add my
name to this theory, given the contribution that I believe I have personally
given to this idea of a general theory of how Astrology works, through what I
have written, also in this volume, about why I think that Solar, Lunar and
Terrestrial Returns work very well, through that “refresh” that is triggered
when a cycle, any cycle (circadian, monthly, annual…) returns to the gamma
point of its expressive curve (in the pages that follow).
I do not believe that the topic can be considered exhausted, but I think that
compared to just the day before the XII Conference of Astrological Studies in
Vico Equense, a new and very important Weltanschauung is imposing itself on the
attention of the world and, above all, on that of open-minded people.
will have to return to this many times in the future and study and compare, but
for the moment, given the topic covered in this volume, we can end this
discussion and say something even more specific about Solar and Lunar Returns.
fifty years ago, the scientific study of biorhythms began among doctors8.
fact, even after the end of the Second World War, doctors continued to
administer drugs to patients without giving particular importance to the time
of day in which this occurred9. It happened, for example, that vitamin and
mineral salt concentrates were prescribed for the evening, before bedtime, or,
in more recent times, melatonin was administered in the morning.
doctors discovered the full importance of biorhythms, many errors of this kind
were no longer made.
we know that there are different biorhythms and among these the most important
are three10:
1) A
circadian rhythm that lasts, as the word says, about a day and which is
obviously in relation to the time it takes the Earth to make a turn on itself.
We have numerous proofs of this biorhythm in reference to the life of man,
animals and plants. In man, for example, it is easy to demonstrate that there
is a precise reproducibility of the peaks indicated in the curve of some
biological functions observed throughout the day, such as the frequency of
daily peaks in urination, blood pressure, blood flocculation index and so on.
For example, returning to melatonin, we know that our body produces it
continuously, but with a peak of "superproduction" about half an hour
after sunset: because - among other things - melatonin has an antidepressant
action (very important when the sun no longer illuminates our day) and also
predisposes us to sleep. From here you can understand how wrong it was, on the
part of some doctors, to administer artificial melatonin early in the morning.
would like to point out, incidentally, in this regard, that poor Professor Di
Bella, massacred by the Palazzo della Medicina because he was against the
interests of pharmaceutical companies, believed it was very useful, like other
alternative scientists, to administer “industrial” doses of melatonin and
vitamin C to the sick, but also to the healthy (it is for phrases like this
that I earn the stake, as in the shameful episode of Wikipedia Italia: in this
regard see the site You should not
be surprised, therefore, if one day some sympathizer of C.I.C.A.P. or Wikipedia
Italia were to manage to find some cocaine in my desk to get rid of such an
inconvenient and unpleasant character).
2) A
monthly rhythm of about 29 days, clearly in relation to the complete passage of
the Moon around the Earth. Even of this, despite the contrary opinion of the
"scientists", and with the evidence gathered even by children, we
have incontrovertible proof, like the tides or the menstrual cycle.
3) An
annual rhythm linked to the complete rotation of the Earth around the Sun:
animals always hibernate in the same period or migrate or are driven by sexual
desire always in a precise period of the year; trees always bear fruit in the
same period and we could continue for a long time.
take a look at the sinusoid that you see below and pay particular attention to
the alpha point (the beginning of the sinusoid). This sinusoid can illustrate
the trend of any biorhythm, but let's consider two in particular: the one that
could graph the trend of the lunar and solar biorhythms. Let's start with the
latter. The moment we are born, our first annual biorhythm also begins, with
our first breath, which starts from the alpha point and ends with the alpha
So we
shouldn't be surprised if someone (the writer, NdA) claims that at the moment
of the annual solar return, the alpha point itself, the imprinting we receive
from the sky, is not the same as that of all the other days of the year, but is
very special and it is not because of analogies, but rather because the alpha
moment is the "reset" (the zeroing) of an entire annual cycle to pass
into another annual cycle: this, in my opinion, amply justifies the importance
of each of us finding ourselves, at that moment and not in another, under that
particular sky of the world, according to criteria whose true literature (in
the sense of arising from practice and not from theory) suggests that our year
could, thus, be improved, but also worsened.
same argument, it seems quite obvious to me, applies to the sinusoid of the
monthly cycle, where the alpha point corresponds to the return of the Moon to
its precise point of birth with respect to the subject in question.
obviously the same applies to the Terrestrial Revolutions.
I believe that this explanation is plausible and leaves, however, scholars,
students, colleagues and detractors free to use or not this wonderful tool for
improving the quality of our life that are, precisely, the Aimed Solar Returns
and the Aimed Lunar Returns.
Carl Gustav Jung, Synchronicity, Editore Boringhieri s.p.a., Turin, 1980, 124
Gret Baumann-Jung, Some reflections on the horoscope of Carl Gustav Jung,
Ricerca ’90 n. 5, January 1991.
Renato Palmieri, excellent Neapolitan physicist. The writer had the very small
merit of suggesting to the Italian Institute of Philosophical Studies, a
wonderful institution of Knowledge, desired, founded and directed by Gerardo
Marotta, to publish the very precious volume of Professor Palmieri which,
otherwise, would have risked never seeing the light. It was not necessary to
“push”, in this sense, because my interlocutors, both Prof. Antonio Gargano,
general secretary of the Institute, and my dear friend Prof. Aldo Tonini,
immediately supported my request and added another golden link to their already
immense chain of works of Culture. The book La fisica unigravitazionale e
l’accordo cosmologica is, finally, today, a reality and is, certainly, among
the things I am most proud of in my life.
Engineer Vincenzo Di Napoli, who died in the winter of 2007, was a great
researcher whose life crossed paths with mine several times. He was my
professor of Electronics at the Augusto Righi Institute in Naples: a simple
professor, who went to the heart of the topics and whose lessons were
understood by everyone and immediately. Later I met him again as president of
the Neapolitan Radio Amateurs Association when I tried to get my license (without
success because, at the time, there was a difficult radiotelegraphy exam to
pass and my “non-musical ear” made it very difficult for me to distinguish the
dot from the line). Later I met him again as president of the Callegari Study
Center, in relation to Callegari Radiobiology. I wrote briefly about this in my
book L’interpretazione del tema natale, Armenia editore, Milano, 2007, pages
350, on pages 87-90. Finally, I would like to add, and it does not seem
coincidental to me, that Prof. Di Napoli has always lived less than fifty
meters from my house. I have fond and grateful memories of him.
Engineer Giuseppe Callegari is the son of the great Giovanbattista Callegari
about whom I write briefly in the book L’interpretazione del tema natale, a
work cited, on pages 87-90. Engineer Callegari, to my delight, is trying to
carry forward his father's great discoveries.
Professor of Physics at the Higher Institute of Physics in Milan. Together with
Dr. Nicola Del Giudice, his brother and a homeopathic doctor, he has written
books of great scientific interest and has carried forward, with great
effectiveness (in my opinion, Editor's note) the discussion on the memory of
water, a truly extraordinary topic of interest for understanding the mechanisms
of the influence of the sky on the life of terrestrial creatures.
The same notes regarding the work in tandem with his brother, a physicist in
Milan, also apply to him. Nicola Del Giudice is a well-known and highly
regarded homeopathic doctor, endocrinologist and researcher in the broad sense.
By him and his brother we remember the book Homeopathy and bioenergetics.
Alternative medicine: from witchcraft to science, Cortina editore, Verona,
1999, 302 pages and also the book Homeopathy. A bridge between biology and psychology.
Twenty Years of Research by the Italian Homeopathic Foundation, Nuova IPSA
editions, Palermo, 1998, 344 pages.
8) Lyall Watson, SuperNatura,
Rizzoli editore, Milano, 1974.
Second question from Paola
Cannatello who interviewed me:
-In addition to being very amused
by Marconi's "unscrupulous ignorance", which earned him many joys and
some pain (and which once again demonstrates how science sometimes entrenches
itself in the knowledge it has without presupposing that new knowledge can
arrive to overturn all certainties), I must tell you that I found these
interventions extremely interesting. So fascinating that I got a bit lost in
them. I clearly understood how they are all linked to the possibility of
providing an explanation of how Astrology works, but can you help me put them
together to use them in this direction?
try, but we have to take some important steps back and open more broad
parentheses. Fortunately, we do not have to obey the directives of an "external"
publisher and therefore we can try to implement this with a certain
start with a brief discussion on luck.
believe I am lucky as far as work is concerned, having been born with a Jupiter
in the 6th House and in conjunction with the Moon and with good aspects to
Saturn and Pluto.
Even though in other areas of my life I have been very unlucky and very
penalized by fate. However, I am convinced that we must take the "whole
package" when it is given to us at birth. We must not complain about the
alleged misfortunes that were unfairly inflicted on us.
So I
am lucky in my work. And, in my opinion, it is not a coincidence, absolutely
not a coincidence, the fact that in the course of my life I have had an
encounter that I would dare to define as almost magical, in space and time,
with extraordinary figures of Knowledge: if we consider the thousand variables
of space, Naples and the environments where I moved most, and time in the arc
of, let's say, the history of the erudite man, of the man who began to leave
written testimonies of his passage, therefore in the last 5000 years. If we
intercept the years in which I have lived or am living and the somewhat limited
space, if we want very limited, of Naples and its surroundings, the fact that I
have physically met with extraordinary characters of Knowledge, I consider it
an element of great fortune. Characters like Giovanbattista Callegari and the
others that we will see again now.
to the discussion of Renato Palmieri, of the engineer Vincenzo di Napoli, of
the two brothers, the physicist Emilio Del Giudice and the homeopathic doctor
Nicola Del Giudice and the engineer Callegari himself, son, who is continuing
the work of this wonderful contemporary character of ours, well, then, the
first thing I would like to point out is that in that brilliant conference that
we had in Vico Equense and that I mentioned previously, in that exceptional
round table where we confronted each other in front of a very interested
audience, precisely me and the son of professor Callegari, Emilio Del Giudice,
Nicola Del Giudice, Renato Palmieri and the engineer Vincenzo Di Napoli –
unfortunately several of them are no longer with us – well, I believe that
there were written the foundations for the scholars who will come after us and
who will have to complete this work.
in which, in my opinion, the fundamentals for explaining the functioning of
Astrology were indicated. Of course, I do not have the unrealistic pretension
of going to challenge contemporary scientists to shove these truths under their
noses: they would make meatballs of me and would have an easy game, because on
their side there is the Palace, first of all.
then I would not be the right person to be able to dialogue with them or duel
with them on the level of physics, theoretical physics, above all. However, I
am convinced that it will be the physicists who will be able to quickly offer
us precise paradigms with which to measure the things we are talking about.
Therefore, I am not worried about it from the point of view of dialectical
challenges and possible new duels that do not attract me that much.
No, I
want to establish that for readers interested in the topic, the foundations
have been written now, but they will have to be formulated better, they will
have to be amalgamated better. The interaction of each of them with the others
will have to be explained better.
the material is there and it is also abundant and I would start from that
first, very great truth, which I learned by frequenting the great professor
Giovanbattista Callegari who, at the dawn of my studies in Astrology, revealed
to me this very important truth, which was then a beacon that guided me for all
the following decades: He pointed out to me, and not in a theoretical way, but
actually by showing me the effects that can be touched with your hand through
his extraordinary "Callegari control unit", that in the so-called
"empty" space, which is not really empty, but which we consider
empty, for example interplanetary space, the impedance must be considered zero.
what is the effect of a zero impedance? That distance no longer has any value!
Here, this very simple rule, this very simple, enormous truth, can already
explain almost everything because it tells us, for example, why a Pluto that is
so small and so far from the Sun, can act to the same extent as a Moon that is
just a few "arm strokes" away from us.
is a first great truth on which we must, absolutely, reflect.
there is that other very relevant truth that calls into question, immediately
after or alongside Callegari's truth, Newton's law of gravitation.
here we must necessarily open another parenthesis.
In fact,
scientists could immediately object: "Yes, but we already knew it, because
Newton's law of gravitation has been surpassed by Einstein's law of relativity,
on the propagation of energy, which has, let's say, enriched it.
let's be clear, it's not that Newton's law of gravitation no longer works.
law of gravitation continues to work within certain parameters, that is, when
we are not traveling near the speed of light.
So I
would like to remind you that precisely to demonstrate the law of propagation
of energy in the universe, the one wonderfully written by Albert Einstein, a
German scientist colleague of his went, at the beginning of the last century,
to look for that practical, scientific, clear demonstration of what he had
theorized: the scientist was Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, a British
astronomer. Eddington organized an expedition to Príncipe, an island in São
Tomé and Príncipe, West Africa, to photograph the total solar eclipse of May
29, 1919.
these observations, Eddington verified Albert Einstein's theory of general
relativity, which predicted that light from distant stars would be bent as it
passed close to the Sun. Photographs of the eclipse confirmed this prediction,
showing that the apparent position of the stars had changed due to the
curvature of space-time caused by the mass of the Sun. This discovery was
fundamental in confirming Einstein's theory of general relativity.
let's get back to Newton. We said that until we are in limiting conditions such
as the speed of light, Newton's laws of gravitation hold. But Newton's laws of
gravitation would say that since the mass of the outermost planet in our solar
system is too small and its distance is too great (the distance between Pluto
and Earth), Pluto's energy "is zero." And Pluto would not even exist
as a planet (you know about this classification that according to a committee
of wise men, every now and then Pluto is kicked out of the planetary system and
then, maybe, they let it back in. I don't know the current situation, but it's
the "wise men" who decide... Editor's note).
this enormous truth that Callegari showed us, immediately goes to completely
invalidate, to falsify, using Popper's language, Newton's law of gravitation,
because it tells us that instead Pluto acts exactly like Jupiter which is many
times larger and is much closer than Pluto to the Earth and the Sun1.
this is a first parameter that will have to allow tomorrow's physicists to
rewrite the general equations of physics to explain to us how Astrology works.
there is another very important step which is the one that Renato Palmieri
revealed to us with a banal example, during that experiment he did in front of
us, at the Vico Equense congress. By bringing the two pieces of the chessboard
closer together, the king and the queen, which, having a magnet underneath to
be attracted by the chessboard, practically have the same polarity and when he
brought them closer together he demonstrated that the repulsion did not occur along
the axis but along a cone or in any case a figure let's say of a circular type
and not a straight line.
he said that the chapter on the polarity of the North Pole and the South Pole
must be completely rewritten, because probably this polarity is not fixed, but
changes and is not the same for every celestial body. And then you see that
this in turn falsifies Newton's law of gravitation as we know it and therefore
opens up enormous flaws in the system, but it also opens up equally important
gaps in understanding how Astrology works.
same can be said for the studies carried out by the engineer Di Napoli who was
a very good operator of the "Callegari control unit" and therefore,
possessing such a jewel of technology and science and knowledge that is the
Callegari control unit, he managed to produce a whole series of experiments
including the one on the pyramid of Cheops for which he was able to demonstrate
the wise use that the ancient Egyptians made of frequencies.
I am
referring to when he speaks of that frequency that we could call
"stalled", more or less around the orange color in the visible
spectrometric field, used by the Egyptians for a very specific purpose, that of
harnessing the energy of insects, of biological micro-organisms, so that the
body of the pharaoh would not decompose. And also the orientation of the
pyramid of Cheops with respect to the stars of the time which demonstrated the
perfect knowledge that those people also had of Astrology. This also
constitutes an important piece in the mosaic we are dealing with.
then, of course, the fundamental discussion, in my opinion, of the memory of
water that was carried forward for many years by the two late and very talented
scientists who were Emilio Del Giudice, a Neapolitan physicist who worked at
the CNR in Milan and produced physics research in Milan, and Nicola Del Giudice
who was a homeopathic doctor and together they carried out research on the
memory of water, one of the most important realities of contemporary knowledge,
in my opinion, but which is not by chance much fought by so-called official
us not forget, in this regard, that Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize for Medicine,
for his studies on AIDS, dedicated almost all of his last years to the study of
the memory of water.
person of little culture or, worse, a person aligned with a point of view of
science used politically, can say that the memory of water is a falsehood. The
memory of water, however, is something very important. And so continuing, and I
realize that a speech that has all these parentheses is then difficult to
reunite and concentrate, but as I said at the beginning I am trying to offer
some ideas, some connections that I have proposed, on which the new generations
and especially physicists will have to work.
I do
not have the expertise of a physicist and here the expertise of many great
physicists will be needed, such as Giovanbattista Callegari or Renato Palmieri
or even Vincenzo Di Napoli, who was not a physicist, he was a technician
because he was an engineer, but he knew a lot about physics and, therefore,
let's say that from physicists I expect fundamental truths on the present
It is
no coincidence that in that distant 2005 I wanted at that table, I did
everything to have at that table, I managed to have, at that table, at the same
time, the engineer Giuseppe Callegari, son of Giovanbattista Callegari, Emilio
Del Giudice, Nicola Del Giudice, Vincenzo di Napoli and Renato Palmieri. It was
no coincidence.
I put
my heart and soul into having them all that day and now I should go and see
what favorable stars I had that day to have managed to obtain said result which
was even more interesting for the magnificent conduct that my friend Andrea
Rossetti gave to the debate.
too I open a small parenthesis: my friend Andrea Rossetti unfortunately has
distanced himself from Astrology, I presume because he considers his profession
as a high school teacher a sort of mission and therefore he does it with an
almost sacred charge, I would say, which prevents him from dedicating other
energies to other realities of life. However, our door is always open and I
hope that he returns to the family of Astrology as soon as possible, to
contribute with his intelligence and his culture to make this discipline even
more beautiful than it is.
So, I
was saying, it was not a coincidence that I chose "in the deck", from
100 possible names, the names that I mentioned to you. No, I absolutely and
strongly wanted these people because by knotting the threads of these thinkers,
in my head I had already drawn the fil rouge with which, in my opinion, we
could then proceed to the drafting of a theory that starts from these
principles and can arrive at an exhaustive and scientific explanation about the
functioning of Astrology.
paradoxically, to get to this, I started from the last step, not the first.
From the last, because as you know, I have been wondering about this magic of
the birthday moment for a lifetime. The birthday moment is truly magic, if we
consider it from a philosophical perspective, and it is the point of conflict
with many of my colleagues who fight it as if it were syphilis. The birthday
moment is truly a moment, not a phase of our life: it is an instant, a single
instant, the instant in which the Sun or the Moon return to their birth
positions in degrees, minutes and seconds.
So it
is an instant. And so I have always asked myself: okay, I have understood that
this instant is considerable and that if we use it according to directions that
I have explained in many of my books, this instant can be responsibly positive
for the development of a month or a year of our life. OK, but I have always
wondered how such a reality is possible given that it lasts the time of the
flap of a small bird's wings. And here the “last step” joins the “first step”,
that is, the explanation that Emilio Del Giudice gave on how Astrology works.
let’s go back to the homeopathic medicine for a moment. I would like to recall
how the homeopathic medicine works, when Samuel Hahnemann discovered that the
workers of the quinine plantations suffered from diseases similar to typhoid
fever and at that time quinine was used to cure typhoid fever.
grasped this association and from there he then gave rise to the famous motto
of homeopathic medicine similia
similibus curantur, like cures like, which is also the principle of the
vaccine. If I inject the dead smallpox virus into a healthy individual, this
healthy individual prepares himself with his immune defenses to fight that virus.
Then when the smallpox virus actually enters his organism, alive and not dead,
the organism will be able to neutralize it. This is the homeopathic medicine
that is now so vulgarly opposed for obvious reasons, but it is something that
absolutely works.
how is a homeopathic medicine prepared? Let's remember it. First, however, I
would like to recall that episode of an acquaintance of mine who came to me one
day completely blocked by a "lumbago" and he could not even speak or
breathe because every time his rib cage expanded in an attempt to breathe, he
would get terrible pain, let's say at the base of the spine or the muscle bands
around it.
suggested that he take some homeopathic arnica that I had at home and that in
these cases I know works very well. He was a big skeptic and is a big skeptic
on the subject, but since he couldn't even reply because he couldn't speak, he
dissolved these few white blood cells on his tongue and not even 10 minutes
later he started eating with us, chatting, laughing, drinking wine...
I pointed out this change in less than 15 minutes, he naturally denied it and
said that he felt better just by coming in to see me... But I'm mentioning this
only to better explain how a medicine like this is prepared. So, we start with
the arnica plant that homeopathic doctors have seen to be very effective in
cases of trauma, both physical and psychological trauma. So, if someone falls
or twists their back and gets stuck, arnica is almost always indicated in that
case. And how do you proceed?
do the pharmaceutical companies that produce the homeopathic medicine proceed?
They take a drop of the mother substance, arnica, that is, obtained directly
from the arnica leaf, and put a drop of arnica in 100 drops of distilled water.
Pay attention to this step, which is very important. Then they shake the test
tube vigorously. This is the electromagnetic information that we are interested
in focusing on, because without this shaking of the test tube, that is, if you
simply dropped the drop of arnica into 100 drops of distilled water, you would
not obtain any therapeutic effect.
as homeopathic doctors explain to us, that “electric shock” that is given to
the test tube, that shaking, producing electromagnetic waves, fixes the
medicine in the memory of the water, because water has a memory and it is
demonstrated and demonstrable, and it preserves it.
then what happens? This is the “one-hundredth” dilution, then you take a drop
from this test tube and put it in another 100 drops of distilled water (it is
more accurate to say double-distilled, NdA). You shake again, then you give
another, let’s say “electric shock” and then you take a drop from the second
test tube and put it in 100 drops of distilled water from the third test tube.
continue like this, for 30 times: we obtain the 30 CH dilution, that is, the
centesimal dilution of 30 times the dose of arnica, precisely 30 CH, but we
know that you can also get to a hundred thousand dilutions and beyond.
Naturally, scientists dispute this fact because, I think I remember, after the
7th or 8th dilution, according to Avogadro’s law the mother substance as a
molecule no longer exists.
one should ask, how come even at 30 CH, not to mention 200 CH or 1000 CH, which
are even more powerful than 30 CH, one can achieve such a miraculous physical
improvement as the one I described a few words ago? It is achieved through the
“memory of water.”
here is my possible explanation for RSM: it happens that at the moment in which
the Sun returns to itself, we store the energy of that place and that moment
and then we release or spend that energy over the course of an entire year,
that is, an annual cycle until the next return, because practically the same
thing happens that happens at birth and that Emilio Del Giudice and Nicola Del
Giudice have always explained, that is, that the child, when born, does not yet
have “his” stars because he is still tied to the umbilical cord and takes
nourishment from his mother.
say that the stars are still "the mother's", they are not hers, but
in the moment in which the child breathes autonomously for the first time, the
"stars" that are above him at that moment produce an
"imprinting" on the water inside him which in this way is memorized
on said "stars" and this imprinting, the Birth Sky, will never
abandon, for the entire life of the subject, that information that it received
at the moment of birth.
the same way, I, looking for the explanation, then also returned to birth, but
starting from the last step, the solar revolution which by now, as we
understand, is the mission of my life: I, by combining these different
Knowledges together, believe I have managed to explain how it happens that in a
single instant, when there is the refresh, when the sinusoid returns to the
alpha point, therefore to the zero point of the curve, then in that moment the
refresh that we receive, takes on the characteristics of that place and that
instant as at the moment of a birth.
the moment of birth will influence our entire life and this, instead, is a
modulation that lasts a year in relation to the annual biorhythm of the Earth
that revolves around the Sun.
It is
obvious that scientists and official science would make a mess of this, if I
were to show up on my knees to ask for their viaticum, as some of my opponents
mistakenly thought during duels that I have held, that they have invited me to
hold during my life; I explained to them that I didn't care, that I wasn't
interested in having the approval of official science, the cockade from these
gentlemen sheriffs.
I am
writing this for the benefit of my fellow astrologers, of future generations
who, starting from these considerations, will be able, if they succeed, to
identify a gathering of seven, eight, ten brains of the caliber that I
mentioned, will be able to continue on this path and put together a general and
precise theory on how Astrology works.
Here are the precise numbers that Chat-GPT, the Artificial Intelligence with
whom I often communicate, gave me:
is much larger than Pluto. Jupiter's diameter is about 143,000 kilometers,
while Pluto's diameter is about 2,376 kilometers. So, in terms of diameter,
Jupiter is about 60 times larger than Pluto. However, if we talk about volume,
the difference is even greater. The volume of a planet is proportional to the
cube of its radius (which is half the diameter). So, if Jupiter has a diameter
about 60 times larger than Pluto, its volume will be 60^3, or about 216,000
times, larger than Pluto. In other words, you could fit about 216,000 Plutos
inside Jupiter. And, for distance: The distance from Earth to Jupiter and from
Earth to Pluto varies depending on their positions in their respective orbits
around the Sun. The average Earth-Jupiter distance is about 628.7 million
kilometers. On the other hand, the average Earth-Pluto distance is about 5.9
billion kilometers.
If we
divide the average Earth-Pluto distance by the average Earth-Jupiter distance,
we get a factor of about 9.4. So, on average, Pluto is about 9-10 times farther
from Earth than Jupiter. However, this is only a rough estimate, as actual
distances can vary greatly depending on the specific positions of the planets
in their orbits.
Per Tutti. Non è una notizia importante, ma vi invito a leggerla perché potrà spiegare, a qualcuno, il perché di un certo rumore di fondo che disturba, da qualche anno, l’Astrologia:
For Everybody. It is not an important news, but I invite you to read it because it can explain, to someone, the why of a certain noise leading that disturbs, from a few years, the astrology:
Ciro Discepolo
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