A Good Exercise of Alessandro Franchi, the Udine's owner of
Active Astrology.
Our compliments to Alessandro.
Exercise in Active Astrology
Looking for a good Aimed Solar Return for year 2013
1 Table of
contents...................................................................... 1
2 Introduction.............................................................................. 2
3 Objectives................................................................................. 2
4 Analysis.................................................................................... 2
4.1 Correction of
the birth time............................................ 2
4.2 The search........................................................................ 3
4.3 The
astro-geography surprise.......................................... 5
4.4 Symbols exorcism........................................................... 6
5 Conclusions.............................................................................. 6
6 Bibliography............................................................................. 7
and notations used:
AA – Active astrology
ASR – Aimed Solar Return
ALR – Aimed Lunar Return
ASC – Ascendant
MC – Midheaven
I met astrology for the first time about
15 years ago, but I started to study and practice active astrology under the
supervision of Mr. Discepolo about ten years ago, at the time of my first Aimed
solar return.
I was really impressed by AA, it appeared
to me as a good tool able to explicate why something happen or not, and it was
a real operational instrument to try to improve my life. After some initial
readings I decided to follow the school of active astrology, then I started to
use the same sophisticated software tools developed by Ciro. I don’t feel being
an astrologer in a common sense; I prefer to be considered a researcher or,
better, an experimenter.
In these ten years I used my Aimed Solar Returns
both to improve my life and to study the AA. Ciro helped me a lot in this big effort,
discussing with me really in deep the ultimate reasons of specific choices for
Birthday destinations.
After some years I started to make consults
for friends and acquaintances. At the beginning I was a little bit worried,
because a wrong Aimed Solar Return could be dangerous; but I was assisted by
Ciro’s software and this, even if doesn’t transform people in astrologers, it
helps in avoiding errors.
I think to have analyzed some hundreds of
people in these years, and lot of them decided to follow my indications for where
to spend the birthday. It is always a satisfaction when people, time after
time, tell you how positive has been the experience of an aimed solar return.
I propose in this essay the analysis I
have done during the research for my next Aimed solar return. The objective of
the ASR concerns the career in general (a classic Tenth-house ASR) with the
additional aims to care about health and don’t create problems in the sector of
the studies.
I think it could be an interesting
exercise, also because it involves different elements of active astrology, as an
example the protocol used to correct Birth time and the astro-geography
the beginning I had some doubt about the precision of my time of birth.
Official papers reported my birth to be 6.30 A.M. but something never convinced
me. During the firsts ASRs I noticed
that some planets in cusps worked only in one house, this was the first clear indication
for the need to investigate on this matter.
The best tool for birthday time
correction is a long protocol that investigates symbols and facts when Mars
enters the different houses (Discepolo, 2011-A). The analysis requires a minimum
of two years but, if you pay a good attention on symbols, in a few months you can
have a rough idea about the entity of the correction.
It depends, of course, on what houses are
intercepted by Mars’ transits (you may have greater or lesser sensitivity to
the symbols of one house) and their duration (Mars’ transits could vary in
duration, sometimes you have to wait for long months before it moves from one
house to another).
In this process you can also be helped by
analysing (or aiming) some lunar returns (Discepolo, 2009) and using them to
understand whether a planet is working in one house or another.
After a couple of years working on Mars
protocol and some investigation on cusps effects in ALR, I can conclude that my
birth time is approximately 6.10
A.M. This is an important result because, as you can see
in the research for the ASR of 2013, It will be important to allow planets
properly intercepting cusps.
As a
personal choice, I always looked for an ASR that valorises symbols in the tenth
house. This is because it gives me a sense of independence and self-realisation.
I’m really convinced that this kind of ASR can help to the proper development
of the self, more than others.
The data:
of Birth: April 10, 1968.
of Birth: 06:10 AM (corrected)
of Birth: Pordenone (Italy)
Objective: find a tenth-house ASR.
The ASR should not penalize studies, as I
am currently involved in a very hard postgraduate program with a university in
Health, if possible, should be always protected,
as we don’t live in a safe and healthy world (Discepolo, 2011-C and 1990).
Using Aladino, the wonderful ASR
software, I set up the objective of the research and I obtained some hundred of
possible solutions, including some cities from Japan, China, Micronesia and
Australia. Looking in deep at these
different results (all compliant with the rules of active astrology) I started
searching for the one that better respect my goals.
In general you should prefer solutions
with Jupiter, Venus or Sun in cusps, in order to widespread their positive
effects on more houses. Regarding Tenth house the most effective point is
surely the MC. Rules and suggestions from Discepolo (2007).
you cannot place a planet directly at MC, due to the need to respect some of
the rules of AA, you can have good benefits from using the so called “Gauquelin
zone”, in the right side of MC)
The result of the search is the good
solution represented in fig-A: Broken Hill, Australia (latitude: -31,95; longitude:
141,46), showed in Fig-B. Of course other solutions are possible.
Fig. A – Birth Chart (corrected birth
time) and ASR (2013)
reference to the objectives, the good elements of this ASR are:
in III house, positive for studies in general
at MC
in cusp XI/XII – good for health, projects, friendship, ..
Sun at MC – a really desirable positions for career
in IX/X is, of course, a good position for superior studies and for relations
with foreign, what could be better in the case you would try a career abroad ?
Moreover, a good ASR could be actively
supported, using the concept of modulation (Discepolo, 2009) by one or more ALR.
The search and analysis of ALRs is not an argument of this essay but you can easily
calculate an ALR using the software Aladino, with some trick and attention.
Ciro explained these techniques in the blog more times.
order of importance, also transits can support an ASR, in this case one of the
goals will be supported by the transit of Jupiter in III house during part of
What to
take care of:
in IV
in VII
in IX
positions, inside a good ASR, are not dangerous but some of them require to be
addressed (exorcized). I’ll spend some words later in paragraph 4.4.
Just to
show one case, look at Uranus: some of the techniques to exorcize Uranus in IX house
require moving frequently far from home, studying a new language and “far”
disciplines. How wonderful is this message from the stars: they are saying: “you are looking for a good ASR.. here it is,
but remember: put a huge effort on it, study twice your subjects, study hard a new
language, …”
Another nice part of the opportunities
emerging from this ASR is represented in fig-C: my natal chart relocated for
To reach the city of Broken Hill, Australia,
I should probably have a flight connection in Sydney, where a local airline
serves Broken Hill as a final destination.
As you can see, my natal chart, relocated
for Sydney, shows a wonderful Jupiter at the Ascendant (I used a special
function of Astral software to calculate it).
What a better place to live, for me, than
Sydney? (Discepolo et al., 2011-B). It is a rare opportunity to spend some days
in one of my elective cities and to experiment the sense of beauty that you may
feel in these situations.
I already experienced in the past the
opportunity to stay for a while in one of my elective cities. Examples: in
Vancouver (where my relocated chart sees a Jupiter at MC), Calcutta (Venus at
MC) or Tangier (Venus at ASC)
does not happen so frequently to have the possibility to stay in a city so far
from home. This will be a good opportunity to experiment once again “on the field”
the beauty and effectiveness of astrology.
Fig. C – Birth chart relocation for
In my experience, even if it is short, I
have seen that people could have different sensitivity to their symbols,
depending on their natal chart, SR and transits (or/and the natal charts of
relatives and friends); this have been demonstrated by Ciro
Discepolo using “Astral Detector”.
As we have previously seen, in a context
of a good ASR, we don’t have to be scared by challenging symbols if the
positions respect all the rules of AA. A proper symbol exorcism will be enough
in the majority of cases, even if it could depend from people to people.
A Saturn in IV house could be easily
addressed by a long list of boring, extenuating, tiring and endless house
repairs and improvements. I often used this technique and it worked perfectly.
The case of Pluto and Neptune could be
more difficult to explain in a short page, as they could deeply involve our
unconscious. For a good discussion about symbols refer to Discepolo (2010)
Active astrology is not only the search
for an Aimed Solar Return but a complete set of tools that can really improve
your life. Of course you need to be helped by somebody competent.
In this exercise I tried to illustrate
how the different tools of Active Astrology can be used to obtain good results.
In conclusion we have found a good ASR
for 2013 but we refined one the most important elements (time of Birth), we
planned how so support a good ASR (with ALRs) and how to exorcize main symbols
of the year and, lastly, we will be conscious about the places of the world where
our relocations are better.
Discepolo, Ciro, 2007. “Transits And Solar Returns”. Ricerca ’90
Discepolo, Ciro, 2009. “Lunar Returns and Earth Returns: Two
supporting methodologies for Active Astrology”. Ricerca ’90 Publisher.
Discepolo, Ciro, 2010. “ I Simboli Planetari”. Gruppo
Editoriale Armenia.
Discepolo, Ciro, 2011-A. “The Protocol for Correction of
Birth Time: A Practical Method to Correct Your Birth Time”. Ricerca ‘90
Discepolo, Ciro, Rossetti, Andrea, 2011-B. “Astro&Geography: Choose
the best place on Earth to live with success or love or money or health”.
Ricerca ’90 Publisher.
Discepolo, Ciro, 2011-C “The fundamentals of medical
astrology”. Ricerca ’90 Publisher.
.jpg) |
Alessandro Franchi |
ciao vorrei un consiglio ho fatto la rsm del 2013 e fa paura oltre all'indice di pericolosità che è esagerato! se ti lascio i miei dati un consiglio su dove andare per il mio compleanno????? 09/05/1972 taranto ma vivo a Bergamo grazie ciao
Cara Franca,
lo farò volentieri, ma se inserisci anche l'ora di nascita, lo studio viene meglio. Gentilmente, quando riposterai, fallo come se fosse la prima volta e scrivi la domanda e tutti i dati che ti riguardano. Auguri.
Grazie, Maestro.
Don't mention it.
Urca!! ho sbagliato luogo..:) grazie della spiegazione ora mi è più chiaro..
Ciro ho letto il tuo pezzo sull'Italia ed anche quello sulla salute. Sono davvero belli, interessanti, grazie di questi doni!!
Cara Aleph3377, come sai io persi, tanti anni fa, tre persone carissime, la metà della mia famiglia, in 13 mesi: queste cose ti cambiano la vita e cerchi di fare anche l'impossibile per aiutare gli altri, a meno che tu non sia votato al Male.
ciao ciro, sono nata a marostica provicia di Vicenza il 14.12.1962 alle ore 20,00- vorrei gentilmente avere una previsione sul mio lavoro e vita futura. grazie
Benvenuta Anonimo, ti consiglio di leggere i libretti con le previsioni di Paolo Fox e di Marco Pensatori: scegli pure un segno a caso tanto valgono tutti allo stesso modo.
Qui ci occupiamo di un'altra cosa. Se vuoi cercare di migliorare attivamente la tua vita (Astrologia Attiva) e sei disposta a partire ogni anno per un luogo anche lontanissimo dove trascorrere il tuo compleanno, allora riscrivici ripetendo bene la domanda e inserendo tutti i tuoi dati di nascita. Però leggi prima questo:

Dear Ciro,(from Mordecai)
My son have sued an employer of his few month ago. (born, tel aviv, 22.7.94 at 23:45)and on the date for the first session in court on 1/8/12 the day of his new lunar return with the Asc. of this return in Hs 7. How will it affect the court session. I just noticed that in his solar return Neptune is in the 7th house, what should he expects?
many thanks
Dear Mordecai,
personally I never make forecasts on the university examinations, on the contests to get a job of prestige, on the legal actions in court. I don't make these forecasts because a lot of practice has taught me that you can win badly a legal battle or to lose it well. Nevertheless when our dear friend Julie of the Wisconsin has not succeeded in taking her a marvelous Seventh House to New York, really when the judge had to decide in the legal battle with her husband, I have been quite a lot sorry. A dear regard.
Caro Ciro, ti ringrazio per la risposta, ma è possibile che non sia stato caricato il mio grafico? Di nuovo grazie.
P.S.: Il libro lo comprerò in inglese, vuol dire che farò un po' di allenamento con il mio Giove in 3a!
Scusate, ho dimenticato di firmare! Sono
Marco, nato a Cepagatti (PE) il 14/8/1970 alle 6.45.
Grazie di nuovo per la pazienza!
Se tu e Anonimo siete la stessa persona, allora il grafico dovrebbe essere questo:
ciao, stamattina ho letto tanto, e le mie preoccupazioni sono per le persone scettiche. ok come al solito ho mancato di dirti 2011 minneapolis, se e possibile stabilire con un po più di precisione il mio orario e solo scrivendo più spesso penso che lo possiamo individuare. nata a nocera inferiore il 12.03.55 ora 6,30 rs minneapolis 2011 recoife 2012.( ti ricordo, mese di ottobre rottura con compagno e caduta incidentalmente per strada , forte contusione al piede, con la scoperta di una cisti..) e se è possibile rs per il 2013 che da quel poco che so lo vedo bruttissimo. grazie
Cara Antonietta,
la mia risposta di ieri non può cambiare. Rileggila bene. Per la tua ASR di marzo 2013 è troppo presto. Abbi pazienza. Ricordami quando la studieremo, che potresti essere nata una ventina di minuti prima delle 6.30 però ricorda anche che una rondine non fa primavera.
Grazie Ciro di questa interessantissima analisi della situazione italiana. Per l'annessione alla Germania o all'Inghilterra comincio subito a raccogliere le firme; per la Francia ho qualche riserva (sulla propensione al massimalismo politico, anche se rispetto all'Italia son sempre rose e fiori...).
Un caro saluto
Caro Ludovico, tenevo al tuo apprezzamento. Credo che gli esseri umani, presi singolarmente, siano sempre e comunque peggio delle bestie e, come dice Henri Laborit, finisce per prevalere sempre il
desiderio di dominanza dell'uomo sull'uomo. Tuttavia la Francia è la Francia e non dimentichiamo che se io sono vostro "padre" André è vostro "nonno"! Un saluto affettuoso.

Ciao Ciro, sono Silvia, nata il 20/08/1969 a Mileto (VV), ore 11,10
ti scrivo perchè, dopo il tuo prezioso consiglio di recarmi a S.Antao per la mia prossima RSM, ho battuto qualunque tipo di agenzia viaggi in Torino. Purtroppo, il mio budget arriva fino ad un certo punto oltre il quale proprio non riesco ad andare. Oggi, un'agenzia mi ha proposto una formula all inclusive, per la quale dovrò dare una risposta entro domani, e cioè
8gg/7notti a Praia da Cruz nell'isola di Boa Vista a 998,00 euro a persona e siccome sarò accompagnata da mio marito la spesa si raddoppierà. Ho chiesto se da Boa Vista ci sono voli interni per raggiungere S.Antao, e mi hanno risposto che i voli interni, per raggiungere le altre isole, ci sono solo dall'isola di Sal e che il costo è pari a 240 euro a persona, quindi ho chiesto una formula all inclusive per l'isola di Sal e, a parte il costo di una settimana che è pari a 1618 euro a persona, mi è stato detto che le partenze ci sono solo il 12/08 o il 19/08. Se partissi il 12, il 19 dovrei già rientrare perchè finirebbe il mio pacchetto vacanza quindi non riuscirei a stare sull'isola per il mio compleanno. Ho anche provato ad organizzare il viaggio con i tuoi consigli sulle compagnie low cost e il sito
www.booking.com ma i costi sono sempre molto, molto alti. Insomma, potrebbe andare bene per la mia RSM stare a Praia da Cruz? Oppure, per non rinunciare ad avere una tigre nel motore, c'è un'altra destinazione che potresti consigliarmi, anche più lontana ma più semplice da raggiungere? Lo so che ti sto chiedendo molto, ma sono certa che mi capirai. Ti auguro una buona serata.
Silvia da Torino
Cara Silvia, sì, dato che non siamo certi della precisione al minuto del tuo orario di nascita e dato che queste isole sono piccole e vicinissime tra loro, puoi optare per Boa Vista. Tuttavia ti esorterei a non confondere il viaggio di compleanno con quello delle vacanze: si deve partire da soli, se non si hanno abbastanza soldi per fare il compleanno mirato e non fare il contrario, vale a dire non partire affatto per non lasciare a casa il marito. Molti auguri.
Buona Giornata a Tutti.
Ciro Discepolo
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Passando il puntatore del mouse su
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Where it will be my birthday?
Passing the mouse pointer on a graph, you will
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this didn't have to happen, I recommend you to use as browser Chrome of Google
that is free and, in my opinion, the best.
A che ora sarà il mio
compleanno? (At what time I will have my Solar Return?):
Qual è l’Indice di Pericolosità
del Mio Anno?
CALCULATE, FREE, YOUR INDEX OF RISK FOR THE YEAR (as explained in the book Transits and Solar Returns, Ricerca ’90 Publisher, pages
Quanto Vale il Mio Rapporto di
Test Your Couple Compatibility: