For Neena. I think that the many problems of Ravi have a only single name: his Ascendant of SR in the first House of Natal Map, in Durban.
I advise you to avoid, for him, Costa Rica, because there he would have a stellium in the eight House, as to say an Ascendant in the 12th House. No even Olinda, Brazil, because he would have Mars in the 6th House, Sun in the 6th House, a stellium in the 6th House, like saying an Ascendant in the 12th House. Very terrible.
I found two Nagar in India, no one is Nagar Kurnool, but the two Nagar that I found are near, geographically speaking. I hope that I am not in error.
I suggest to Ravi moving its next Aimed Solar Return in San Francisco or in Saipan, Marianne Islands: two good solutions.
I understand you because reading more authors you could fall in confusion.
Shortly, I would say just a few words of history, in this field.
When I began to push my relatives and my friends to move their Solar Returns, departing from 1970, ALL my world colleagues said that I was crazy. If you want, you can find, in books, magazines, public and private libraries, acts of congresses, my personal track in this way, with the totally hostility of the whole world.
Until a few years ago, every colleague, excluding my ex students and today very special colleagues, said that it was a crazy thing, a nonsense operation.
Just a few years ago, unexpectedly, in every country of the world, hundreds of colleague told: “Moving the Solar Return? But it is obviously! We always made it!”.
Now, you can search the tracks on the argument of Solar Returns, the written tracks and not the word tracks, of my colleagues in this field. You will able to discover a unique realty: there are not old publications on this argument and some colleagues today write books on the Solar Returns, books of words and philosophy, but they don’t’ know the meaning to send over 20.000 people, in 39 years, to move a Solar Retun, in a practical mode and not in the theory.
Saying so, I don’t want to push you to feel in my school. I have an only important, I think, advice for you: check the rules of the different authors and after see, with your eyes, only with your eyes, where a big part of the truth is.
Per Olrak. Spero tu non abbia scambiato il mio senso dell’ironia per derisione. Cercavo di sdrammatizzare e ti raccontavo come dovevo combattere perfino io con i miei genitori, eppure avevo più di quarant’anni e non ero uno stupido sull’argomento.
Sicuramente la tua idea di darci dentro di brutto con la palestra può servire fortemente a scaricare la sesta Casa. Auguri.
Per Pasquale, per Marco, per Manu e per i tanti bravissimi e forse un po’ più occupati (Luigi, Elisabetta, Pino, Luciana, ecce., ecc.): sto per partire per un viaggio non lunghissimo, ma neanche breve. Come sempre cercherò di essere presente, però vi pregherei di intervenire più spesso e di aiutare anche i nostri nuovi amici statunitensi, anche se ci dovessimo sovrapporre. Grazie.
Buon pomeriggio a Tutti.
Ciro Discepolo
I advise you to avoid, for him, Costa Rica, because there he would have a stellium in the eight House, as to say an Ascendant in the 12th House. No even Olinda, Brazil, because he would have Mars in the 6th House, Sun in the 6th House, a stellium in the 6th House, like saying an Ascendant in the 12th House. Very terrible.
I found two Nagar in India, no one is Nagar Kurnool, but the two Nagar that I found are near, geographically speaking. I hope that I am not in error.
I suggest to Ravi moving its next Aimed Solar Return in San Francisco or in Saipan, Marianne Islands: two good solutions.
I understand you because reading more authors you could fall in confusion.
Shortly, I would say just a few words of history, in this field.
When I began to push my relatives and my friends to move their Solar Returns, departing from 1970, ALL my world colleagues said that I was crazy. If you want, you can find, in books, magazines, public and private libraries, acts of congresses, my personal track in this way, with the totally hostility of the whole world.
Until a few years ago, every colleague, excluding my ex students and today very special colleagues, said that it was a crazy thing, a nonsense operation.
Just a few years ago, unexpectedly, in every country of the world, hundreds of colleague told: “Moving the Solar Return? But it is obviously! We always made it!”.
Now, you can search the tracks on the argument of Solar Returns, the written tracks and not the word tracks, of my colleagues in this field. You will able to discover a unique realty: there are not old publications on this argument and some colleagues today write books on the Solar Returns, books of words and philosophy, but they don’t’ know the meaning to send over 20.000 people, in 39 years, to move a Solar Retun, in a practical mode and not in the theory.
Saying so, I don’t want to push you to feel in my school. I have an only important, I think, advice for you: check the rules of the different authors and after see, with your eyes, only with your eyes, where a big part of the truth is.
Per Olrak. Spero tu non abbia scambiato il mio senso dell’ironia per derisione. Cercavo di sdrammatizzare e ti raccontavo come dovevo combattere perfino io con i miei genitori, eppure avevo più di quarant’anni e non ero uno stupido sull’argomento.
Sicuramente la tua idea di darci dentro di brutto con la palestra può servire fortemente a scaricare la sesta Casa. Auguri.
Per Pasquale, per Marco, per Manu e per i tanti bravissimi e forse un po’ più occupati (Luigi, Elisabetta, Pino, Luciana, ecce., ecc.): sto per partire per un viaggio non lunghissimo, ma neanche breve. Come sempre cercherò di essere presente, però vi pregherei di intervenire più spesso e di aiutare anche i nostri nuovi amici statunitensi, anche se ci dovessimo sovrapporre. Grazie.
Buon pomeriggio a Tutti.
Ciro Discepolo
4 commenti:
Respected Sir,
Here are the details of the birth chart co-ordinates.
The nagar kurnool, INdia is at 16degN30' 078degE19'. When I create the Solar Return in Olinda Brazil for Jan 4 2010, there are no planets in 6th,12th or 1st. Only Pluto in 8th house.
In Biwheel, the Ascendant falls in Natal 2nd. Please help.
Do you have any suggestions for the other chart: Nov 19 1970, at 5:50am in ambala,India?
Tranquillo, Ciro, avevo ben capito lo spirito delle tue parole. Tant'è che ti ho anche chiesto un ulteriore parere, se mi fossi risentito non l'avrei fatto.
Ancora grazie e buon viaggio.
Buonasera a tutti, sapete dirmi in che aspetti e posizioni planetarie guardare per trovare i segnali di una fobia sociale?
Che efficacia può avere l'esorcizzazione dei simboli in questi casi e cosa fare nella pratica?
Grazie da Giustina
ciao giustina, le fobie sono da ricercarsi nelle relazioni angolari disarmoniche tra nettuno e i luminari.
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