your question allows us to focus on several important issues in Astrology. I believe, referring, however, the only Western Astrology, and leaving aside Vedic Astrology that for which I have great respect, but do not know, that it be placed in two important segments: Modern Astrology and Ancient Astrology. There are colleagues who refuse, even, to draw Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in charts of birth of people studying and there are colleagues who despise Astrology of Ptolemy, Ficino, Morin de Villefranche and so on.
The man, the Master, who has beautifully married Ancient Astrology, with psychology-psychoanalysis and Astrology that takes account of important discoveries in the field of statistics, is André Barbault. He was even the first to understand the great value of statistic researches compiled by me and by Luigi Miele and those of Didier Castille. Your question regarding the reconstructive (or cosmetic) surgery, leads us to consider, first of all, the importance of Active Astrology in the life of all us. In fact, I believe that if you would like any kind of intervention, we must first, for your birthday before that surgery, targeted to build an Aimed Solar Return chart with a main goal direct to the the success of this surgery. If, then, in the year, arrived a month of the intervention, we can also make a trip for an Aimed Lunar Return, it is the best, otherwise we will rely only on the Solar Return. At this point, having established that, according to a very large astrological practice and experience, it appears that the ASR positions are far more important than celestial transits through the year, we are also using a good transit of Venus, for example, in the second birth House or in an angle of 60 ° or 120 ° on the cusp of this, but we can also look to "give birth to a child (the surgery)" with a beautiful celestial chart. Of this I have written in my book many years ago and it is now out of print: "Applied Astrology", Armenia Editore, Milan. However, even without reading the many rules that appear in that book, you can use the key that, as explained so far, relate to the incredible findings of Michel Gauquelin and later even of his wife Françoise. So, being a child whose will be name "Surgical reconstruction aesthetics" we will not to place a Jupiter very closed to MC and, instead, we will try to put a beautiful Venus, reinforced by the Sun if it is possible, closed to the Ascendant that concerns, precisely, especially the body and how we present ourselves to others. Overall findings of Gauquelin, of course, are important only the four corners and, therefore, as if a child is born with Mars at AS or MC he will probably be a sporting success man, so a surgery that was born with Venus to the AS, will be very successful on an aesthetic level. See also the example for Celeste, in this blog of today, and I hope you will understand, despite my bad English, because I wanted to explain for your question.
Per Celeste. Ti consiglio di spedire, per e-mail, contemporaneamente, tutti i tuoi curriculum vitae il giorno 17 febbraio 2010, dopo la magnifica RSM di Alofi e l’altrettanto buona RLM di Bari, alle ore 13.05 di Bologna, momento in cui “nascerà un bambino magnificamente pensato per ottenere successo sul piano sociale-professionale”.
Per Marco Celada. Molto bene e potremmo aggiungere, per gl’infedeli: “… le stelle non sono acqua!”.
Buona giornata a Tutti.
Ciro Discepolo
The man, the Master, who has beautifully married Ancient Astrology, with psychology-psychoanalysis and Astrology that takes account of important discoveries in the field of statistics, is André Barbault. He was even the first to understand the great value of statistic researches compiled by me and by Luigi Miele and those of Didier Castille. Your question regarding the reconstructive (or cosmetic) surgery, leads us to consider, first of all, the importance of Active Astrology in the life of all us. In fact, I believe that if you would like any kind of intervention, we must first, for your birthday before that surgery, targeted to build an Aimed Solar Return chart with a main goal direct to the the success of this surgery. If, then, in the year, arrived a month of the intervention, we can also make a trip for an Aimed Lunar Return, it is the best, otherwise we will rely only on the Solar Return. At this point, having established that, according to a very large astrological practice and experience, it appears that the ASR positions are far more important than celestial transits through the year, we are also using a good transit of Venus, for example, in the second birth House or in an angle of 60 ° or 120 ° on the cusp of this, but we can also look to "give birth to a child (the surgery)" with a beautiful celestial chart. Of this I have written in my book many years ago and it is now out of print: "Applied Astrology", Armenia Editore, Milan. However, even without reading the many rules that appear in that book, you can use the key that, as explained so far, relate to the incredible findings of Michel Gauquelin and later even of his wife Françoise. So, being a child whose will be name "Surgical reconstruction aesthetics" we will not to place a Jupiter very closed to MC and, instead, we will try to put a beautiful Venus, reinforced by the Sun if it is possible, closed to the Ascendant that concerns, precisely, especially the body and how we present ourselves to others. Overall findings of Gauquelin, of course, are important only the four corners and, therefore, as if a child is born with Mars at AS or MC he will probably be a sporting success man, so a surgery that was born with Venus to the AS, will be very successful on an aesthetic level. See also the example for Celeste, in this blog of today, and I hope you will understand, despite my bad English, because I wanted to explain for your question.
Per Celeste. Ti consiglio di spedire, per e-mail, contemporaneamente, tutti i tuoi curriculum vitae il giorno 17 febbraio 2010, dopo la magnifica RSM di Alofi e l’altrettanto buona RLM di Bari, alle ore 13.05 di Bologna, momento in cui “nascerà un bambino magnificamente pensato per ottenere successo sul piano sociale-professionale”.
Per Marco Celada. Molto bene e potremmo aggiungere, per gl’infedeli: “… le stelle non sono acqua!”.
Buona giornata a Tutti.
Ciro Discepolo
5 commenti:
l'ho guardata ora: ACCIPICCHIA!!!
E' splendida, ti ringrazio molto.
Li preparo tutti e poi faccio un mega invio.
Ancora una domanda a Marco Celada (se ti fa piacere rispondermi).
La tua RL del 27 dicembre 2008 somiglia molto ad una RL che avro' anche io e un po' mi preoccupa.
Ti ha dato particolari problemi?
Se preferisci rispondermi in privato il mio indirizzo e mail è celeste200712@gmail.com.
Caro maestro Ciro, grazie per la tua risposta.
Ho capito che siamo sul filo del rasoio per
l'imprecisione dell'orario di nascita, speriamo bene...
Grazie anche per l'attenzione affettuosa che traspare dalle tue parole,Biancaundede
non ricordo alcun episodio negativo;
se ad esempio osservo le mie ultime e prossime RL per il luogo dove risiedo, dovrei preoccuparmi ma non potendomi spostare confido molto sulla RS.
Buongiorno signor Discepolo,
desidero augurare a lei e a tutte le persone che seguono il suo blog buone feste.
Spero inoltre che l'anno nuovo porti a tutti fortuna e voglia di vivere.
Un abbraccio e ancora auguri
Grazie infinite, signor Ciro Discepolo, ma a quale grafico fa riferimento ? Io lo vedo... Grazie ancora infinite. Luca Picichè
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