Probably you don’t know that there is a precise relation between the hour in which we were born and the activities that we will make in our adult life.
This is an argument that I think has never been explained by an astrologer. I thought about it, after a good intuition, and, in the following years, I was able (I think) to elaborate and to write a complete representation of this observation of mine.
This is a true realty and I believe that you can check that in your life experience.
I hope that in one of my next USA books I will publish these 12 chapters that in this moment are in the book “Nuovo Trattato di Astrologia”, Armenia publisher.
Now I desire only to illustrate to you the topic with some examples.
Please, pay attention to the two hours after the sunset. We imagine that you were born in this range of hours. What do you think you will do in the adult age?
All of us, usually, in the adult age, do the same things that others were doing when we were born.
And what do, generally, people do in the two hours after the sunset?
People generally, in this part of the day, have just finished working and before returning home, do some specific activities that only in this time is possible to make.
Many people go to the gym to take care of their body: some people will work on the muscles others on the joints others on the bones, all work to improve the wellness of the total body.
Other people, in those hours, frequent beauty centres, hairdresser, manicurists, massagers, dentists, doctors in general, etc.
Now, do you want to make a little experiment with me and count, among your relatives and friends, how many people, born in the two hours after the sunset, work as massager, doctor, dentist, personal trainer, shiatsu or Reiki massager, hairdresser and so on?
Let me write another example. Consider, please, the time included between 8 pm and 10 pm. What do people do when we were born in this time?
In that time people, generally, go to the cinema, to the theatre, to concerts, to restaurants, to shows of any kind, make love and live the most creative and recreative component of every person.
Now, if you want, calculate, in percentage, how many friends of yours and how many relatives of yours, born between 8 pm and 10 pm, are actors, directors, screenwriters, directors of photography, dancers, singers, show-men and show-women, cards players, sports players, broadcasters, and all the people of that circle in which an army of women and men work to entertain others and themselves.
Ancora su Eugen Jonas e il Controllo delle Nascite:
Ciro Discepolo - Eugen Jonas e Il Controllo delle Nascite - IV Parte - Pillole di Astrologia
Bravo Angelino59 (ma vuoi deciderti a darmi del tu?) per la relazione precisa dei fatti dell'anno trascorso. Continua così. Come ti ha detto Al Rami il bar è quarta Casa.
Con i migliori auguri.
Per Roberto Minichini. Sì, diverse persone, emulando la roulette russa de "Il Cacciatore" di Martin Scorsese vanno a trascorrere il 40° compleanno a Parigi o il 50° a New York. Come si dice? Dove c'è gusto non c'è perdenza...
Grazie ad Antonio per il riferimento bibliografico relativo a Kary Mullis che, comunque, è citato, da molti anni, nelle bibliografie dei miei libri.
Per Giuseppe Al Rami. Una piccola precisazione. Il mio metodo di datazione degli avvenimenti è descritto nel "Nuovo Trattato di Astrologia" e consiste nell'incastrare tra di loro, ma secondo una precisa priorità, le RSM, i transiti lenti, le RLM e i transiti veloci con le 33 regole (per esempio i giorni intorno al compleanno...). A ciò è stato aggiunto, successivamente, l'algoritmo di AstralDetector che utilizza solamente i transiti, ma letti con dei "premi speciali" in determinate situazioni.
Buona Giornata a Tutti.
Ciro Discepolo