venerdì 9 dicembre 2011

Astrology Essays: Astrologie Active (French)

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Da Danila Madau Perra:

Complimenti Maestro per la conferenza, il suo argomento e il luogo bellissimo dove si è svolta. Il nostro patrimonio architettonico è di una ricchezza incalcolabile e al solo sguardo nutre lo spirito offrendo ispirazione ad ogni persona che accoglie al suo interno.
Un caro saluto a Tutti.

Sì, cara Danila, e tutti noi astrologi dovremmo essere fieri che l'Astrologia sia ospitata in un simile Tempio della Cultura.

Grazie anche a te, Pasquale, è sempre un piacere rivedere giovani studiosi volenterosi e con talento, come te.

Per Roberto Minichini:

Caro Ciro , già conoscevo la risposta che mi avresti dato , i libri che citi li ho ovviamente letti e studiati tutti , e hai già risposto di persona a questo tipo di domande , ad altri blogger e a me . Riformulare un discorso già fatto , usando qualche parola o espressione differente , aiuta a vedere in maniera un poco diversa e quindi ad estrarre ancora altra luce ed orientamento . Personalmente comunque non prometto mai nulla ai miei consultanti , e chi vuole promesse e garanzie lo mando via .E questo non perchè non sono sicuro o convinto di quello che faccio , ma per una semplice e netta scelta di principio e metodologia di lavoro . Complimenti per il piccolo saggio sull'"ombra" . Per quanto riguarda i tuoi libri in inglese : non ci sarebbe la possibilità per una grande libreria online italiana di offrirli nel proprio catalogo ? Cari Saluti da Roberto Minichini

Credo che ciò avvenga già su Un caro saluto.

Grazie a Catia per la sua utile testimonianza. Non ho compreso la domanda sulla geoastrologia: per favore vuoi riformularla? Grazie. 

Dear Ciro (from Mordecai),
I'll be delighted to translate your book and it will be a real treat to meet you in Israel if and when.
Anyway, I'd like to know what kind of service can medical astrology do to the enquiring client besides making one aware of the possible threats and problems?

Thank you, Mordecai

Dear Mordecai,
another important application of Medical Astrology is to help people to choose the right moment for a surgery, for beginning a new treatment, for visiting a physician... Best regards. 

Dear Ciro (again from Mordecai)

There is a girl (born in Haifa, Israel on 26/8/76 12:15 noon)with serious health problems especially wth her kidneys. I wonder if the presence of Jupiter on the cusp of6/7 houses magnify her health problems?
Thanks, Mordecai

Dear Mordecai,
it is right. This next year the best solution for her is Honolulu, Hawaii (see at the chart) because, as you know, the couple Mars-Saturn can stay only in the third or in the ninth Houses of the ASR, with Saturn far from MC. Best wishes.


Cara Chicca, se quest'uomo ha fatto cose gravi, se anche tornasse, ti consiglio di lasciar perdere: sarebbe, per te, una regressione. Tanti auguri. 

From Miss:

Another friend of mine is very keen to know about his best location for his next solar return.
He is not sure of his actual birth because it was not stated on his birth certificate whether 11 a.m or 11 p.m. His health is not too good and physically not well this year.
Based on his 11 a.m birth time for this year solar return, I notice most of his planets in the 6th house. He is personally a career oriented and ambitious person which is correct according to 11 a.m, Sun in the 10th house. What do you think sir?

DOB : 17 March 1964
TOB : 11 a.m / 11 p.m
Place of birth : Banting, Malaysia ( 101e 30, 2n49 )

ASR : success in career and financially stable

Need your advice on his best location for next year solar return.

Thanks muchos



Another friend of mine is very keen to know about his best location for his next solar return.
He is not sure of his actual birth because it was not stated on his birth certificate whether 11 a.m or 11 p.m. His health is not too good and physically not well this year.
Based on his 11 a.m birth time for this year solar return, I notice most of his planets in the 6th house. He is personally a career oriented and ambitious person which is correct according to 11 a.m, Sun in the 10th house. What do you think sir?

DOB : 17 March 1964
TOB : 11 a.m / 11 p.m
Place of birth : Banting, Malaysia ( 101e 30, 2n49 )

ASR : success in career and financially stable

Need your advice on his best location for next year solar return.

Thanks muchos



Dear Miss,
it is not possible to work in Astrology into a 12 hours range of birth time.
If you want there is a book of mine, on, "The Protocoll For Correction Of Birth Time" to help for this problem. But it is a very long work... Best regards. 


Da Giuseppe Galeota Al Rami:

Mi sono ripreso dal viaggio... incontro stupendo, argomenti bellissimi, e poi l'ottima pizza alla diavola con Pasquale Iacuvelle e cugino.
Giornata veramente bella.

Carissimo maestro, puoi consigliarmi un testo sulle applicazioni e metodologie della comparatistica?

Caro Giuseppe,
anche per noi è stato un piacere rivederti e sappiamo i sacrifici che hai fatto per venire (viaggiare tutta la sera e tutta la notte in treno!).
Relativamente alla tua domanda direi che non esiste un testo, ma ti consiglio di farti molte buone chiacchierate con un bravo sociologo o con una brava sociologa. Un caro saluto.

Da Stefano Meriggi:

Caro Ciro. Volevo farti i complimenti anch’ io sul tuo saggio sugli altri che mi e’ piaciuto particolarmente (come anche gli altri del resto ). Volevo cimentarmi anch’io in una recensione dell ‘ultima fatica di Woody Allen. Midnight in Paris. Accenno brevemente la trama. Lo sceneggiatore Gil (interpretato dall’ attore Owen Wilson)si reca a Parigi con la fidanzata e la famiglia di le per trovare ispirazione per il suo primo romanzoGia’ dall’ inizio si capisce il contrasto tra i personaggi. Mentre Gil si trova a suo agio nella capitale francese non cosi’ si puo’ dire della ragazza che dchiara di non poter vivere fuori dagli Stati Uniti. La famiglia di lei e’ chiaramente di tendenze repubblicane mentre Gil ha un orientamento politico piu’ a sinistra. Una sera Gil che si sta progressivamente estraniando dalla sua ragazza ,vagando per le strade di Parigi viene invitato a salire su una macchina d’epoca che lo portera’ ad incontrare personaggi del calibro di Picasso, Ernest Hemingway , Francis Scott Fitzgerald e sua moglie Zelda, Salvador Dali’ e Luis Bunuel. Il viaggio e’ chiaramente frutto della fantasia di Gil che lo porta ad idealizzare un eta’ passata che lo riscatti dalle banalita’ del mondo presente. Gil tutte le sere allo scoccare della mezzanotte si trova trasportato in questo mondo di artisti del passato. C’e’ da dire che il suo comportamento insospettisce il padre della fidanzata che gli mette alle costole un investigatore privato. In uno di questi viaggi della fantasia Gil incontrera’ Adriana , una donna gia’ amata da Pablo Picasso ed intreccia una breve relazione con lei. Adriana lo portera’ ancora piu’ indietro nel tempo nella Belle Epoque da lei osannata e dopo aver sentito Degas e Gauguin decantare come periodo dell’ oro il Rinascimento si rende conto che ogni persona deve vivere il proprio tempo. Trova quindi il coraggio di ritornare al tempo presente, di rompere con la ragazza e di rimanere a Parigi dove probabilmente iniziera’ una storia con una ragazza che come lui ama Cole Porter e non ha paura a bagnarsi sotto la pioggia. Il film e’ carino anche se non un capolavoro come altri a cui Woody Allen ci ha abituato (come Io e Annie,Manhattan e Pallottole su Broadway).L’ invito a vivere il tempo presente sembra un monito che il regista americano fa a se stesso visto che il nostro con il Sole in quarta casa e’ fondamentalmente Cancro. E’ interessante comunque notare che da un lato la sua parte Cancro lo abbia fatto ritrarre New York la sua citta’ natale nei primi film, la quarta casa in Sagittario ha portato a Woody Allen una seconda parte della vita dove narra citta’ estere (la Londra di Match Point , la Barcellona di Vicky, Cristina Barcelona , la Parigi di Midnight in Paris e prossimamente Roma in un film con il nostro Roberto Benigni.

Un caro saluto a tutti.

Stefano Meriggi.

Caro Stefano,
l'ho visto ieri sera e condivido perfettamente la tua bella recensione. La nostalgia è uno dei mali della nostra società: vorremmo sempre navigare acque lontane e dimentichiamo il bello che abbiamo davanti a noi. Direi che questo è il tema centrale del pensiero di Erich Fromm nel suo testo fondamentale "Psicoanalisi della Società Contemporanea". Sulla questione delle città... beh, temo che siano degli spot ben pagati per aiutarlo a realizzare film carini, ma che - come tu ricordi - non possono essere assolutamente paragonati a capolavori come "Crimini e Misfatti".


From Georgiana:

Good morning and Thank you for your answer!
We stayed until late night to book the flight for Fernando and then I looked once more at the chart.I realized that if my sister had been born a few minutes before 1:30am (as I do believe), the Sun will be on the 7-8th house cuspid.Either way, the AS is in the 8th natal house.I hope I didn't miscalculate and the target day/hour is 21 Jan/16:33 (Fernando hour).
Related to the 3 planets in the 6th, if Pluto and the Moon were in the 6th and Mercury in the 7th, how dangerous whould it be?Apparently, the chart in Capo Verde (Sao Filipe Island) has this situation.

I have been reading Earth Returns, so I was wondering whether, in this situation, it is possible to find a flight that goes over a certain point of the Atlantic Ocean at a certain hour. I am aiming to obtain an AS in the 9th natal house (also Venus in 9th) and a pure 7th house Sun. Which is your opinion?

Thank you again!
Warm regards

Dear Georgiana,
you ask me what can happen to your sister if she chooses to place three Celestials in the sixt House: the same of an Ascendant in the 12^ House

Ascendant of Solar Return lying in the Twelfth House of the birth chart, or stellium, or Sun in the Twelfth House of the SR chart

A SR with a strong contribution of this House would make you understand how false are those allegedly wise astrologers who claim that the 12th House is not so bad: in fact – they say – it promotes the individual’s growth and evolution. I consider this point of view a little bit pharisaic, in fact no doubt that troubles and miseries make people grow and become better from the spiritual point of view – but if you could choose, would you really prefer to grow because of a tumour, a period of seclusion, the death of your son, the divorce from your spouse and so on, or wouldn’t you rather prefer to avoid all this and not to grow at all? It seems to be that certain astrologers do not deal with terrestrial clients, but with aliens from outer space. Do you think that people who address you as an astrologer would accept the theory of the 12th House being a good sector of the Solar Return after all? Or would not they complain to you instead after twelve months, reporting that ‘thanks’ to the 12th House of SR their shop went bankrupt; creditors pursue them; they are under chemotherapy; or they have discovered that their son takes drugs? I think they would complain rather than showing their gratefulness for your having provoked their ‘spiritual growth’. This is why I believe that the 12th House is the worst of all, but that its detrimental power is almost the same as those of the 1st House and of the 6th House. 
This is the point in which you should compare my astrological school with that of any other author, starting from Volguine. Some people in fact talk evil of any House, thus arriving at the conclusion that there is terror everywhere. I believe that my approach is more honest, for I assume precise responsibilities for my method; I rate and classify; and I underline what has to be underlined. First of all, you should try to read the transits and the Solar returns as a whole. Secondly, interpret them according the method of Volguine or of any other author. Then read them following my method. Finally, let me know the percentage of successful forecast that you achieve with each method. I do not demonize the 12th House because I am pessimist. Au contraire, it’s the evil of this House that makes me pessimistic. I can see in practice, not in theory. If I were to make up a list of the events faced by hundreds of people, who asked for my professional help, during a 12th House SR, a whole volume would not be enough. Further, its contents would be X–rated, because they would be more thrilling than pulp fiction. You would meet the 12th House during the worst troubles of your life. It is easy in fact to cast a spell when the 12th House of SR plays a significant role: just forecast trouble, misery, concern in all the fields of one’s life: love, justice, health, finance, bereavement, seclusion and so on. Of course, I tell you as an astrologer speaking to colleague astrologers: you would not express yourself so rudely with people asking for your help. Instead you would use all your tact to reassure them, helping them to face or to neutralize such an event. 
But this is not the scope of this book. Those who follow my school called Active Astrology would find further suggestions in my bibliography, e.g. in my volume entitled Il trattato pratico di Rivoluzioni solari. For the time being just keep in mind that if an individual experiences a 12th House SR it would have all sorts of light and heavy trouble. Perhaps in the best event he/she would not be admitted to college; in the worst case one of his/her close relatives would fall ill. The range of all the possible disgraces that may happen to an individual is infinite. The astrologer would hardly be able to detect exactly the sort of trouble. In the majority of cases it would be a sequel of hindrances, but it may also be one single detrimental event. In the latter case it would be even worse for the individual, because the 12th House would not dilute its poison in homeopathic doses: it would release it in one, concentrated and fatal strike. If you learn to recognize this peculiarity, you would not wish such a SR to your worst enemies. People born with the Ascendant in a sign of large Ascension such as Cancer, Leo, Virgo, or Libra, may face such a SR every four year for a very long span of their life. In these cases they would hardly survive it. Remember that the involvement of a House in the map of SR has the same importance whether it’s the Ascendant of SR lying in your natal 12th House, or it’s the Sun of SR or a stellium of SR lying in the 12th House of the map of Solar Return. The same rule applies to all the twelve Houses. 
Sometimes, the SR takes place with the Sun placed two or three degrees above the cusp from the 12th and the 11th House. This position is quite risky because most of the birth data are rounded in advance. Many people were in fact born 10 to 15 minutes before their known birth time. So many people undervalue the approaching SR because they are convinced that the Sun lies in the 11th House while it actually lies in the 12th one. They would realize it after twelve months of tribulation, and they would rectify the time of birth consequently.

After you tell me that you are afraid about the Ascendant or Sun in the Eight House: I think that it is for a fear of a mourning and I want to repeat you that we cannot avoid a death also leaving empty the Houses 11^ and 8^. Besides, remember that an AS in the 8^ House can mean also the end of a love story for a new love story, for example. 

Yes we can use a flyght to choose a precise point on the ocean (read the example in the book "The Fundaments Of Medical Astrology", but I think that it is not the right case for a similar effort: in my opinion the Fernando de Norona ASR is valid. Best wishes again.  

2 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Dear Sir,

Thanks for your prompt response. His actual birth time is 11 am.

Look forward to hear from you

Best Regards,

Chicca ha detto...

Nel ringraziarti infinitamente caro Ciro ti chiedo una spiegazione ovvero come tu intendi il concetto di regressione ??? La psicanalisi pratica la regressione per superare alcuni antichi blocchi ...e le cose gravi che ti dicevo per me sono diventati blocchi psicologici che mi hanno indotto insicurezza tale da consultare amici e anche te maestro per un consiglio prima di compiere qualcosa !! Da come ti ho espresso il mio stato d animo capterai la mia estrema sincerità leonina .. Grazie ancora maestro Ciro.